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The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room.

I had barely slept, my mind consumed with thoughts of Iris and the emotional turmoil she was facing. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw her tear-streaked face, heard her voice trembling with uncertainty.

I knew I had to do something more than just offer words of comfort. She needed an escape, a real break from all the pressures weighing her down.

I'd kill myself for her touch,sell my soul to make her forgive me.I couldn't take her being mad at me anymore.

I showered quickly and dressed, my mind already racing with ideas. The resort was beautiful, but it was also a constant reminder of the wedding and everything that came with it.

Iris needed a change of scenery, somewhere she could breathe and think clearly.

As I made my way to the resort's main restaurant for breakfast, I couldn't shake the sense of urgency that had settled over me.

I needed to see Iris, to make sure she was alright and to propose my idea.

I filled a plate with fresh fruit and grabbed a cup of tea, then found a quiet corner by the window. The sea was calm today, the waves gently lapping at the shore. It should have been soothing, but all I felt was a growing need to act.

My phone buzzed on the table, and I grabbed it quickly.

It was a message from Mr Sinclair,my stomach dropped with disappointment,

Mr Carson I would like to organise a night out for you and I and some other investors if you are free.

I sighed and replied

yes that sounds great.

Then my phone pinged again and the name that popped up sent my heart fluttering

We need to talk.

Short,commanding,to the point.

I fucking loved this girl

I didn't waste a second. Leaving my breakfast untouched, I headed straight for Iris's suite. My pounded against the cold marble as I navigated the resort's hallways,when I reached her door, I knocked gently, and it opened almost immediately.

Iris stood there, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She looked exhausted, and my heart ached to see her like this. "Luke," was all she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

I explained my plans and she looked at me, at first like I was a madman then a flicker of hope crept into in her eyes. "What do you mean?"

I took a deep breath, my resolve solidifying. "Let's get out of here. Leave the resort, leave the wedding plans behind for a bit."

"Let's go on a road trip today,just the two of us. We can explore Thailand, see some beautiful places, and give you the time and space you need to figure things out."

Her eyes widened, and I could see the idea taking root even though she tried to look nonchalant.

God it was cute when she did that

She bit lip,"A road trip? Just the two of us?"

"Yeah," I said, feeling more confident with each word. "We can rent a car, drive along the coast for the day,visit small towns and hidden beaches. No schedules, no obligations. Just freedom and time to think,"

I hesitated,she hated me still,or so she claimed"Well if you're comfortable with that of course."

Iris hesitated, her fingers playing with a loose strand of hair. "But what about Adam or Arabella?My parents? They'll be furious if I just leave."

"They never have to know," I said firmly. "You've got to rebel against their control somehow. And you deserve to take care of yourself, Iris. You can't make a decision like this when you're overwhelmed and stressed."

She took a deep breath and nodded and so I headed to the concierge desk to arrange for a rental car. Jin, ever efficient, had it all sorted within minutes. "A compact SUV will be ready for you in an hour, Mr. Carson. It's perfect for a road trip."

"Thanks, Jin," I said, appreciating his promptness.

We packed quickly, throwing essentials into a couple of bags. As we left the suite, I could feel the weight lifting from her shoulders. The resort, with all its opulence and expectations, was behind us. Ahead lay freedom, adventure, and hopefully some much-needed clarity.

As we drove out of the resort, the tension in the air began to dissipate. The road ahead was open, the possibilities endless.

"Thank you, Luke for doing this for me,"she said leaning back and propped her feet up on my lap

"It's earning major forgiveness points."

I laughed.

"That was the goal."

I said, glancing at her with a smile. "Now, let's see what Thailand has in store for us."

With the sea on one side and the lush green hills on the other, we drove on, leaving behind the worries and pressures, at least for a while.

This day would be exactly what we both needed—a chance to rediscover ourselves and I still harboured hope that maybe, just maybe, we could find a way back to each other.

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