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The grand salon of the dress boutique was bustling with activity, its opulent interiors brimming with rich fabrics, glittering chandeliers, and rows upon rows of the finest wedding gowns.

My bridesmaids, a collection of wealthy socialites I barely knew, chattered animatedly as they flitted from dress to dress.

My mother, Lady Kensington, stood at the center of it all, overseeing every detail with the meticulousness of a general preparing for battle.

"Ladies, please focus," my mother called out, her voice commanding attention. "We need to ensure everything is perfect for the wedding."

I nodded or shook my head in turn but my mind kept drifting back to the secret lagoon where Luke and I had planned to take Adam down.

Hopefully this would all be over soon.

Or we would be in way over our heads.

I felt a pang of guilt for involving Luke in all my problems, but there was no turning back now.

"Iris, darling," my mother said, her voice cutting through my thoughts.

She was examining a particularly hideous gown,a cream mass of chiffon and puffy sleeves, her critical eye assessing every stitch.

"This is your wedding. You should be enjoying every moment."

I wanted to scream at her that I didn't choose to have this wedding.

I didn't choose to have the luxury or wealth and definitely not the psycho I was marrying.

But of course who would believe me?

Instead I forced a smile. "Of course, Mother. It's just a lot to take in."

"Well, focus on the task at hand. We need to ensure everything is perfect for Adam." She turned back to the dresses, her attention already elsewhere.

As I moved to join my bridesmaids, I noticed Arabella standing off to the side, her expression guarded.

My heart ached,we had never had a falling out this big before.

"Ara," I began softly, "can we talk?"

She looked at me, her eyes softening slightly. "Sure."

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for speaking to you that way,I was in the wrong, but can we make up ," I said, feeling a lump form in my throat.

Arabella sighed, her shoulders relaxing a bit. "Iris,I'm..I'm sorry too for speaking to you and Naree that way,I was being a shallow bitch."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "Thank you, Arabella. I need you now more than ever."

We hugged, and for the first time in days, I felt a glimmer of hope. As we pulled apart, I noticed my mother watching us, her expression inscrutable.

But before I could dwell on it, one of the bridesmaids Elizabeth I think,called me over to look at a pale lilac dress.

"No come here, Iris," said Victoria, another one of the bridesmaids, her perfectly manicured hand waving me over. "You have to see this gown. It's stunning."

I joined her, my heart lighter now that Arabella and I had made up.

The bridesmaids were all impeccably dressed,head to toe in Gucci,Prada and Chanel,the stench of designer perfume enough to make me gag

As we approached the dress Victoria was holding, I felt a fresh wave of nausea wash over me.

It was a dress Adam would have chosen.

Layers upon layers of overbearing tulle, heavy with embellishments and intricate lace. It was beautiful, no doubt, but it felt suffocating just looking at it.

And heavy.

"Isn't it divine?" Victoria gushed. "Your mother has such exquisite taste."

I arched an eyebrow in my mother's direction and she gave me a stern look.

"Yes,I thought it would be suitable for such an extravagant event don't you think dear ?"

I nodded, forcing a smile. "Yes, it's very... grand."

"Try it on," my mother insisted. "It will look stunning on you."

Reluctantly, I stepped into the dressing room with the help of the boutique staff. They helped me into the dress, and as I looked at myself in the mirror, I felt a sense of dread.

The dress was overwhelming, drowning me in layers of chiffon and powder coloured frills.

I stepped out of the dressing room, and the room fell silent. My mother's eyes gleamed with approval, while the bridesmaids oohed and aahed.

"You look like a princess," one of them said.

But I didn't feel like a princess. I felt like an imposter.

"What do you think, Iris?" my mother asked, her tone indicating that there was only one acceptable answer.

"It's beautiful," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "But... it doesn't feel like me."

Wrong answer.

The room fell silent again, this time with a different tension. My mother's smile faltered.

"What do you mean, it doesn't feel like you?Of course it feels like you."she hissed, her voice tight.

I took a deep breath, summoning my courage. "I want to try something else. Something simpler."

The crowd of bridesmaids tittered and giggled and I could catch snippets of conversation.

"Is she mad ?"asked Victoria

"No class."muttered a scowling red head called Emmaline

"Shameful."sighed forlorn Desmonda

My mother's eyes narrowed,her face turning a lovely shade of fuchsia, but before she could say anything, Arabella stepped forward.

"She's right," Arabella said firmly. "This is her day, and she should feel comfortable. Let's try something else."

I could see the battle raging in my mother's eyes, but after a moment, she nodded curtly. "Very well. But it must be perfect."

The staff hurried to bring out a selection of simpler gowns, and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I tried on a few dresses, each one a bit lighter, a bit more me.

Finally, I found it—a simple, elegant gown with a flowing silhouette and delicate lace detailing. It felt like a breath of fresh air.

When I stepped out in the new dress, the room fell silent again, but this time the silence was filled with awe.

"Oh, Iris," Arabella said, her eyes sparkling. "You look beautiful."

Even my mother and the bridesmaids couldn't hide their approval. "It is quite lovely,"mother admitted, albeit grudgingly.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and for the first time, I felt like a bride. This was the dress I wanted to marry in, the dress that made me feel like myself.

As we finalized the details, my mother still kept a watchful eye, but I could tell she was relieved that I had found something I was happy with.

Even though hopefully I'd never have to wear it,it was beautiful for now.

Arabella stayed close to me, her presence a comforting reminder that I wasn't alone. We chatted quietly as the staff made adjustments to the dress.

"I'm so glad we made up," I said, squeezing her hand. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Arabella smiled, her eyes warm. "We'll always have each other's backs, no matter what. And don't worry about the dress. It's perfect for you."

I nodded, feeling a sense of peace settle over me. For the first time in days, I felt like I had control over something.

The dress was a small victory, but it was mine.

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