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The invitation from Adam had come as a surprise.

I was to go golfing with him at 12:00 sharp and although I had a bad gut feeling about him I couldn't refuse without arousing suspicion.

Adam was already at the clubhouse, looking perfectly composed in his tailored golf attire. He greeted me with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Morning, Luke. Ready for a game?"

"Sure," I replied, forcing a casual tone. "Let's do this."

As we moved to the first tee, the conversation was light—business updates, wedding plans, casual remarks about the weather. But I couldn't shake the feeling that there was an underlying tension, a storm brewing beneath Adam's polished exterior.

We played through the first few holes in relative silence, each focusing on our game.

I swung my club hard and high,the ball shooting out of view.

"Good shot man."Adam said clapping me on the back.

I grinned back "thanks,um man"

Maybe he was just a good guy.

Suddenly I felt guilty,we continued our go,bantering politely and chuckling when one of us missed badly.

I had to admit i was rubbish at golf.

But as we approached the ninth hole, Adam's demeanor changed. His swings became more forceful, his shots less precise. It was clear something was on his mind.

Finally, as we stood on the fairway, he broke the silence. "Luke, there's something we need to discuss."

I looked at him, wary. "What's that?"

He took off his sunglasses, revealing a steely gaze. "I know about it,all of it."

I felt a cold chill run down my spine. "What are you talking about?"

He stepped closer, his expression hardening. "You,Iris.I hired a private investigator after I noticed how you two were acting around each other. It didn't take long to uncover your history."

I clenched my jaw, anger flaring.

"You had us investigated?"

Adam shrugged, unperturbed. "I had to be sure. Iris is everything to me, and I can't afford to have any loose ends."

I shook my head, incredulous. "You're crazy, Adam. You can't control her life like this."

His eyes flashed with a dangerous glint. "Iris belongs to me. She's my dream woman, and I won't let anyone come between us."

"She's not a possession," I retorted. "She deserves to be with someone who truly loves her, not someone who treats her like an object."

Adam's smile was cold. "Stay away from her, Luke. If you don't, she will get hurt. And believe me, I'm not bluffing."

A surge of protective anger coursed through me. "Are you threatening her? You think you can intimidate me into backing off?"

He leaned in, his voice a menacing whisper. "I don't need to intimidate you. I just need you to understand the consequences. If you interfere, Iris will suffer."

I felt a cold fury settle over me. "You're insane. This isn't love. It's obsession."

Adam's expression didn't change. "Call it what you want. But know this—I always get what I want. And I won't let anyone, especially not someone like you, stand in my way."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "I won't let you hurt her, Adam. I don't care what you think you can do."

He chuckled softly. "Brave words, Luke. But remember, you're playing a game you can't win. You might want to consider your next move very carefully."

For a moment, we stood there, locked in a silent standoff. I realized then that I had to make a difficult decision. For Iris's sake, I couldn't escalate this confrontation.

The decision felt like a knife twisting in my gut.

"I'll sty away from her," I said finally, the words bitter on my tongue. "But only because I don't want Iris to get hurt."

The situation felt oddly familiar.

Fate really had a shit sense of humour.

Adam's smile widened, a twisted sense of victory in his eyes. "Good. That's the smart choice."

"But I'm staying for the wedding," I added, surprising myself with the firmness in my voice.

Adam's expression flickered with something unreadable. "Oh, you'll stay, Luke. I want you to see how happy she is with me. I want you to understand that you've lost."

I didn't respond, the weight of his words settling over me like a dark cloud. As we finished the game in tense silence, my mind raced with the implications of Adam's threats. I knew I couldn't just walk away, but I also had to be careful not to provoke him further.

Back at the clubhouse, we exchanged curt goodbyes, and I made my way back to my room, my thoughts a chaotic whirl. I had to find a way to protect Iris, to show her the truth about Adam without putting her in danger.

As the day wore on, I tried to focus on anything but the morning's confrontation. I went through the motions of preparing for the wedding, but my mind kept returning to the conversation with Adam, his threats, and the look in his eyes.

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