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The sun was already high when I headed down to the hotel pool, seeking a reprieve from my thoughts. Adam had left for his meetings early, and the silence in our suite was suffocating. A day by the pool seemed like the perfect escape.

Ara insisted on coming too because her new boyfriend Cal was out hiking.

Her boisterous presence I really could have done without.

I slipped on a stylish white and gold bikini Adam had insisted I bring,pulled on some sandals and tied my hair in a messy bun then tugged it under a wide rimmed straw hat,I finished the look with some sunglasses and golden bangles.

I wanted to look good and I wanted to feel good,to try and finally embrace the life I was born into as escape seemed futile.

The pool area was picturesque, framed by tropical plants with linen loungers neatly arranged around the pristine water.

We  quickly found a spot, spread out our towels, and slipped into the cool, inviting water. Floating on my back like Luke had taught me,I stared up at the clear blue sky, letting the gentle rhythm of the water calm my restless mind.

Arabella drifted thoughtfully beside me,devoid of her usual chatter.

Which if I was honest was a welcome relief.

My tranquil moment was interrupted by a burst of laughter and a commotion near the pool's edge. I turned to see a young woman, about my age with coffee coloured skin,bobbed black hair and playful green eyes.

She was juggling a tray full of drinks while balancing her phone on her shoulder. Her attempt at multitasking was short-lived as she stumbled, sending the tray and its contents crashing to the ground.

The scene drew gasps and chuckles from other guests, but rather than looking embarrassed, the woman laughed heartily at her own mishap. Her laughter was infectious, and I couldn't help but smile.

Ara was almost choking on giggles at her expense and to be fair I was doing the same.

I swam to the pool's edge, climbed out, and grabbed a towel, heading over to help her. "Need a hand?" I asked, my grin mirroring hers.

She looked up, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, thank you! I'm Naree. Clearly, I'm not as coordinated as I thought!"

"I'm Iris," I replied, picking up a few scattered drink umbrellas. "It looks like you've had an eventful morning."

Naree chuckled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You could say that. I'm a local guide, and I was just trying to bring drinks to my friends while coordinating a tour. Obviously, multitasking isn't my strong suit."

"Well, you handled it better than most would," I said, handing her a few recovered glasses.

"Thanks, Iris," she said warmly. "Do you have any plans for today? We're just hanging out here. You should join us."

I hesitated, glancing back to where Ara was lounging in a chic new swimsuit by the pool area.

Spending the day with Naree and her friends sounded far more appealing than brooding with Arabella. "Sure, I'd love to," I said finally.

"Ara,"I called

She looked up from the gossip magazine she had somehow procured.


"This is Naree,she's really nice and she's invited us to hang out with her today."

She looked Naree over then sneered

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