Chapter Thirty Two

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After devouring the Mongolian Beef he brought her and taking her pain medication, she returned to the studio to paint but this time Morgan was with her trying to paint. It didn't take much convincing for him to keep her company other than promising a Round Two, which they both knew wouldn't happen deep down.

"What are you painting?" he asked her as he sat down on the floor next to her.

Rather than the typical grey stood, Laney sat on the ground and set up two easels, two palettes, and all the paint for them on the ground.

"The auction piece for Lauren. What are you going to paint?" she asked.

"I dont know I'm not good at these things," he laughed.

Laney opened up her phone and went on Pinterest to type in "easy painting ideas" and handed him the phone. She grabbed her laptop to start conducting research for her painting for Lauren. She was broken out of her concentration when she saw Morgan give her some side-eye before opening a paint bottle and pouring it onto the palette. Turning her head she asked, "What did you decide on?".

He showed him the screen of some fish in an ocean... it looked complicated but she wasn't going to tell him that. Shifting her focus back onto the painting she began to pull out colors for her painting. This one was going to take a while compared to previous paintings she had composed. The bigger the headstart, the better. It would definitely take a few days if she shifted her concentration solely on this but she wasn't sure if she was quite capable due to Morgan.

She poured paint on the palette as Morgan dipped his brush in some paint and watched her, "Can we listen to music?".

"Yeah babe, what do you want to listen to?"  she questioned before snapping the lid to the paint bottle shut and grabbing her speaker from a shelf in the room.

Most of the time she preferred silence but Morgan never had physically stayed with her long enough to watch her paint unless he was sleeping on the plane. It was her goal to make this an enjoyable process for him and for her, causing him not to be a distraction to her process. 

"You can choose," he said.

She took a minute before deciding to put on her "painting jams" playlist which was a picture of her painting of her as a little kid. Before handing the phone back to Morgan, she admired his strength to paint as he looked deeply concentrated with his little tongue sticking out. She held back laughter snapping a picture of him without him realizing before sitting back down and handing the phone to him. As she peered closer to his canvas, she saw that all he was simply trying to do was blend an ocean background of simple blues.

Debating on saying something, she refrained not wanting to make him nervous or feel stupid. Men and their fragility to things like that always made her laugh but she was also excited to see what he would produce on his own. Beginning to paint her ombre background, she bopped her head to the music and synced into the work.

It had only taken two minutes until she finished the background, waiting for it to dry, and she snuck a glance at Morgan who was now blending all types of colors. As if on cue You Proof came on making him look at her, "Really?".

"It's part of my painting jams playlist!" she defended herself, "At least I am a fan of your music!".

He chuckled, "How is my painting going?".

She pretended to inspect it for the first time, "Incredible, try moving your hand in a side-to-side motion rather than dabbing on the paint," she grabbed his hand and motioned what she mentioned.

He nodded before doing as told and smiled at the result of it, "Look!".

She smiled and gave him a thumbs-up before returning to her painting and using a brush to see if it was wet, looking at the bristles, they came back clean: Bingo.

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