Mama Swift

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Maddison's POV

Granny and Phoebe continued talking about what my sister wanted to do tomorrow as we are about 2 hours away from home so we are sleeping in a hotel room for tonight and spending the day here in Philadelphia tomorrow before going home. I continued listening slightly to their conversation but also started trading bracelets with people who were passing me to get to there seats most of them would say things like 'aww aren't you cute' or 'shes so tiny' and Phoebe didn't like it when i was getting bracelets and attention so would take the ones i got but i still enjoyed giving the ones i made to other people. I swung my legs excitedly as they hung of my seat until i realised i needed the toilet and i should probably go now if i wanted to be there when Taylor started to sing so i quietly whispered to Granny.
"i need to pee." she turned to me and scowled, muttering something about why she shouldn't have brought me, before replying. "Go then. No one is stopping you girl just hurry up and don't talk to no one." I stood up before she could get angrier and walked out of the way towards the stairs realising that people were everywhere and i had no idea where the toilets were, but Granny had told me not to talk to anyone and i was scared what she would do if i did so i quickly made my way down the stairs to the floor of arena and began looking at signs. I couldn't read but i did see a picture that is usually on toilet doors with the stick lady in a dress so i followed it. Not long later i arrived at a cue for a toilet, i knew it was right because only women were there so i felt safer.

It felt like forever as i rocked on my ankles waiting for the line to shorten and i needed to go so bad. Some people had seen me in the line and let me go ahead of them which of course i thanked them for before returning to being quiet like granny had wanted. Finally it was my turn and i ran inside and locked the door. Kate had shown me what to do when u needed to pee in public toilets before, so i wrapped the seat in toilet paper before sitting down and doing my business. I washed my hands and left the bathroom skipping back to my seat when i see TAYLOR SWIFTS MOM! shes trading bracelets with people near the seats i was walking past when she turns around and her eyes meet my blue ones. She looks at me with a sort of shocked expression and i start to feel nervous but before i can do anything she starts walking towards me.

"hello sweetie wheres your mummy and daddy?" She asks crouching down to my height. People are screaming for her attention but shes focusing just on me and I'm not used to it.

"I am here with my granny and sister i just needed to pee and i didn't want to miss any songs." I say fiddling with my fingers feeling sort of shyness in front of her.

She looks a little sad when i mention granny and i am not sure why but she quickly replaces sadness with a smile again.
"Whats your name honey?" She asks curiously as she reaches for my hand that i was fiddling with and places it into her much larger one.

"Maddison." I say "i know your name you're famous." I say smiling and she laughs before registering what i said. "Your name is Maddison?" She asks again and i nod a little confused as i just said that.
"How old are you Maddison?"
"I just turned 6 i am a big girl. Granny said i cant talk to anyone so i have to go bye miss swift!" I say quickly remembering her words to me. I drop my hand from hers and run up the stairs back to my seat. None of them notice that i am back and i release a small sigh before the music begins.

Taylors POV

I finish the final song and the crowd screams as i go back into my dressing room and take a drink of water. I couldn't stop thinking about my daughter and that small child i had seen earlier. It made me realise that she could be anywhere, maybe there was still hope. I was about to get changed out of my costume when a series of knocks bang on my door in urgency, i don't have to the time to open it as the person on the other side does it themselves revealing my mother. She looks shocked and scared and that makes me scared so i quickly move towards her.
"Are you alright? Whats the matter!" I say noticing my mothers concerning expression.
"The child we seen earlier, the blonde one u pointed out to me." She starts and i nod not knowing were this is going. "I seen her while trading bracelets with fans and she told me her name was Maddison. Taylor." She continues and i feel a lump forming in my throat. "what." I say quietly. "She said she just turned six too. It could be her Taylor but we have to hurry and do something."

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