Dread and dreams

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Taylors POV
I wake up to the bathroom door in the hotel room shutting and i look up to see my mom coming out whispering a 'sorry' for waking me up. I look down at Maddie lying on top of me. Her small arms wrapped around my neck are limp as she sleeps, her hair is messy and her small little snores are the cutest thing ever. The sight is perfect and i don't want to move but i decide i should probably get ready as i promised to spend the day with her and her 'family'. Mom told me that while she called the lawyer they said that they are able to keep her here, not allowing her to go home if her parents don't approve of a DNA test but she would be kept in a foster home for a couple of days while waiting for the results. I didn't want her to have to go to a foster home and asked if she could stay with me but they said they would have to look into in so for the time being i am going to enjoy myself with my potential daughter and make sure i soak up the time in case the test comes back negative and i am not aloud to see her again.

I slowly move Maddie off of me and remove her hands from around my neck, instead putting her brand her bunny teddy bear into her arms which she gladly accepts in her sleep. Her little button nose scrunches up as the warmth of my body disappeared but she eventually gets over it and begins her small snores again. I laugh a little and tuck her in before giving her a short kiss on the head and moving towards the bathroom to shower.

"How are you going to ask about the test?" Mom asks from the bathroom door scaring me. I sigh as i am still asking myself that. "I don't know. It's all just so sudden and i just want the answer." I say as the tears that have been threatening me all day and night finally spill. Mom sees them quickly and rushes to my side rushing me into  a hug. She repeats that it is going to be okay.

"i will come with you if you need me Taylor say the word." she says and i know shes telling the truth because thats the kind of mom she is. Whenever you need her shes there, and thats what i want to be for Maddie.

"What if these are the people that kidnapped her mom. They would never agree to a paternity test if they knew she wasn't theres." I cry into her shoulder seeking that comfort i have had all of my life. The same comfort i wish i could have given my daughter. Who knows if she got this? I didn't know who took her, didn't know if they were horrible to her or abusive or if she was even okay.

"Give Mr Naylor a call and see what he says, i am sure his advice will better mine but just know if you want me there i will be. Okay?" I nod planning on taking the advice to seek advice by calling my lawyer.

"Now go shower and then we can wake up Maddie and dress her in one of these adorable outfits i chose." She says with excitement to which I laugh through my tears and start running the shower.

After showering and getting changed i rush out ready to wake up Maddison. I wonder if she will be a morning person. I am someone who likes to wake up early but i have a suspicion this sweet girl does not. Mom is sat at the table with a coffee and is currently pouring an apple juice into a small cup and another coffee for me. I race to my bed but slow down when I'm next to it, quietly climbing back into the bed so i am next to her again. Mom is watching quietly with a smile and honestly i am not surprised, she has always wanted to be the fun grandma and thats what she wanted to be for Maddison when she was a baby so now she maybe has a chance.

I stroke her head soothingly but she makes no move to wake up so instead i whisper to her.

"Maddy it's time to wake up baby girl." She stirs and when i say it the second time her eyes open quickly and almost look as though they are filled with fear. Her breathing picks up and she starts crying.

Maddison's POV

"CANT YOU JUST SHUT UP! I TOLD YOU THAT IF I COULD HEAR U BREATHING SO LOUD YOU WERE GETTING LOCKED IN HERE BUT YOU KEPT DOING IT AND I AM DONE!" she shouts throwing me into the one place i don't want to be. I cry but don't fight her tight grip on my arms that i can already tell are going to leave those weird purple marks that hurt.

I wasn't doing it on purpose i was just breathing, but apparently i do that wrong too. She walks towards me and i back up against the back wall of the room but her steps are bigger than mine and soon enough she is in front of my face.
"Stupid child" she says before slapping me in the face. The ring on her finger was what hurt the most, it cut my cheek and it kept stinging even after she shut the door and only darkness was left around me.
I heard the front door open and Mom telling Dad about me annoying her. His foot steps were heavy and scary and i felt tears already begin to flow. I knew he would hurt me and i didn't understand why, I hadn't meant to annoy her i just wanted to sit with her. The door flings open angrily and i scream.

My eyes fling open and Taylor is in front of my face but all i can see is my dad so i start to cry. She picks me up and places me on her chest like she did last night and i try to quieten my cries so i can hear what she is saying.
"It's okay Mads shhh listen to my heartbeat okay baby?" She says softly running her hands through my hair. I listen to her and her heartbeat slowly begins to calm me. Soon enough my cries are gone and instead the room is silent, except from my sniffles every few minutes. Andrea left when my crying stopped and whispered something to Taylor which she nodded to before leaving. Taylor sits up bringing me with her and tries to lift me to sit beside her instead of on top of her but i cling to her and she gives in with a small smile and a kiss to my head, instead she stands up and swiftly moves me to her hip. She doesn't mention anything until she has sat down at the table, me on her lap while drinking my apple juice as she drinks her coffee. "What happened sweetie?" She asks looking right at me and i know i am not aloud to tell anyone about what mom or dad does so instead i say, "bad dream." To which she nods and kisses my cheek. I don't think i have been hugged and kissed before in my life as much as i have in the past night with Taylor. I smile happily at it every time to which she then presses another kiss to my other cheek which makes me laugh. She seems to like my reaction so therefore keeps kissing me over and over while tickling me. We sit like that for a while before i finish my apple juice.

She pulls the bag Andrea brought back yesterday and tells me i can choose an outfit but i don't really know what matches together so she helps me she lays out two outfits and tells me to choose which one i would like to wear. I choose the option of a cute pink jumper and some black leggings.
And she gives me a happy smile.

She helps me get changed and then we decide to watch a movie while we wait for Andrea to get back. While we are cuddling on the couch Taylor asks if she can take a picture of us to which is happily agree.

I smile when she shows me it wishing that my mom would do these kinds of things with me but i knew she would only ever want that with Phoebe.

Taylors POV

I had told my friends yesterday about what was going on and they constantly were messaging me wanting updates so i decided it would be great to send a photo of us.

-🍾😉🪩 (Selena, Abigail Gigi, Blake



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