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Taylors POV

I stay silent not knowing how to respond and she starts playing with some of my hair, twisting it around her fingers. The same thing she did as a baby. It used to annoy me when she would wrap my hair around her tiny chubby fingers and get it tangled but once she was taken i craved those small little moments wishing to have them back.

"I'm sure your mommy loves you Maddy. Why do you think she doesn't?" I ask letting her twirl the strands of hair as she once again thinks. She shrugs a little and then says,
"I'm not a good daughter because i am too noisy and stupid and i breathe too loud or i don't clean right." and her small little voice breaks like she actually believes these deluded people. They have actually made this sweet child. My child. Believe that she isn't good enough. I mean breathing too loud! She is a child for goodness sakes why do they care how she breathes all i care about is that she is breathing.

"i think you are a perfect daughter Mads." i say to which she mumbles 'maybe'. looking from her towards the window i realise we have arrived.

i tell Greg thank you and open the car door, adjusting Maddie on my hip. She moves her hands from my hair and holds a tight grip onto my shirt, like she is scared i am going to disappear.

i take a deep breath preparing myself for this conversation and refocus on the Cafe in front of me. We are supposed to be meeting here in exactly 5 minutes so her grandma should be here, or nearly here which makes me a little nervous.

"its going to be fine." I say although I'm not sure whether i am convincing the small child gripping me for dear life, or me.

Maddison's POV

I really don't want to go back. I want to stay here with Taylor and have forehead kisses and someone to tie my shoe laces, but i am a bad girl and Taylor is taking me back to Granny and then i will have to go home to mommy and daddy again. It's really scary so i keep a handful of Taylor's T-shirt stuffed tightly in my fist. If i let go she might disappear and I don't want her to.

When we step inside the little cafe the smell of coffee is very strong and it makes me scrunch my nose in disgust. It's not a very nice smell so i stuff my face into Taylors jacket which carries her lavender scent which instantly makes everything better.

"Maddison stop being annoying and sit in a chair."  I hear Granny's voice and instantly tense. I was really hoping that she wouldn't have turned up and that would mean i would have to stay with Taylor forever and ever but i guess i was wrong.

Taylor sighs and places me down, making sure to continue holding my hand as i walk towards the table where Granny and Phoebe are sat.

I try and climb onto the seat free at the table but it is pretty high so i struggle a little which Taylor and Granny notice as Granny sighs and starts mumbling about me being incompetent but Taylor rushes towards me lifting me onto the chair and booping my nose before taking a seat beside me on the last free chair at the table.

"Taylor!" Phoebe squeals jumping out of her seat and throwing herself onto Taylor.
They hug first a moment before Taylor pulls back giving Phoebe a smile and she happily sits back in her seat next to Granny.

"Has she been any bother?" Granny asks totally ignoring me which is am used to by now but Taylor seems a little shocked that nobody has talked to me.

"what! Of course not shes an angel as I'm sure you know." She replies quickly with a big smile on her face as she studies a Granny's stern look.

"Actually i was hoping to talk to you about something important though." she continues and i start overthinking about all the little things i could have done wrong that she is going to tell Granny about.

It's going to hurt when i go home i just know it. It always hurts when people are mad at me because mad people make you have owies.

I shouldn't have been so needy. I shouldn't have woke up panicking and i shouldn't have fallen asleep without asking.

"of course what is it?" Granny replies with a subtle glance towards me that makes me want to curl in a ball and hide.

"Why don't the girls go and play with the toys in there." Taylor points to the corner of the Cafe where a few children are playing with the toys provided.

"Okay off you go have fun." Granny smiles towards Phoebe and she jumps of her seat running towards the toys to which i slowly follow.

Taylors POV

I cough awkwardly at the silence that engulfs us after the children leave. I keep an eye on Madison as she sits by herself with a small picture book she has found amongst the toys. When i look back i brace myself for whatever reaction i am going to get by this question.
"i would like a paternity test for Madison."

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