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Taylor's POV

By the time i had made it back stage, Maddy's breathing had evened out and she was fast asleep in my arms. She must have been exhausted, when i make it to my room my mom is sat on my sofa still her face looked stressed. She looks up when i enter and her face relaxes at the sight of the girl in my arms. "Did you take her Taylor?" She asks and i shake my head a little wary that she thinks i would do that before explaining what happened. I sit down next to my mom and look at Maddy, stroking her hair. How i hope that she is my daughter, i can feel it. She has to be. As if she can read my mind mom places her hand on my shoulder and gently caresses it. "Lets get you two into bed yeah? No need to stress when we don't know yet" she says and i trust her.


When we get to the hotel Maddie is still sound asleep and has not left my arms for a second, I can't seem to let go. When we get to our room mom takes her from my arms leaving me pouting and tells me to get changed while laughing. I hesitate not wanting to leave her but i know she is safe with my mom so i quickly change into my pyjamas before realising we have no clothes for Maddie to wear to bed. Mom tells me not to worry and that she will be right back so i climb into bed and lay Maddie on my chest and soothingly rub my hand up and down. A few moments later she stirs and begins waking up. I am not sure why but i felt nervous, maybe she will want her granny or her mum? Will she cry? Her blue eyes open slightly and i smile at our similarities. Once the confusion and disorientation wares of she sits up and just stares at me.
Realising she isn't going to say something i do. "how did you sleep princess?" I say and she smiles slightly. "You're Taylor swift" she says again like earlier and i laugh. "Yes i am. You're going to sleep here tonight is that okay?" I ask wanting her to feel comfortable. "okay." She nods before climbing off of me and sitting beside me. I already feel empty without her around me but i leave it.
"My mom has just gone to get you something to wear to bed would u like something to eat or drink?" I remember that her Granny was going for ice cream and just wants to make sure she isn't going to bed hungry.
"Could i have a glass of water please?" she asks sweetly and i smile moving towards the mini fridge we filled earlier "No juice or milk? We have chocolate milk if you would like some." I say holding each thing up
She blushes a little and i can tell that she wants it so i shake it and hand it to her giving her a kiss on the forehead while doing it.

I turn the tv on and log into Netflix before pressing play on a movie my friends kids love 'Ella enchanted' she seems to enjoy it as she slowly drinks her milk and before long my mom is back.
She looks towards us and the tv before a huge smile crosses her face.
"Sleeping beauty awakes." She jokes moving towards the bed we were sat on. She sits down and then empties her bag she must have got while being out. It includes some very adorable cream pyjamas and a bunny teddy bear as well as a couple extra outfits for Maddie and some snacks.
"I wasn't sure of your size because you're very small so i got what i thought would fit." She says putting everything back inside of the bag except the bunny teddy and pyjamas. "Thank you i love them!" Maddie says running her hand along the soft material of the clothes and cuddling her bunny. I quickly help her get changed and luckily she doesn't mind and then she looks around a little confused about where to sleep because there are two double beds in this room. One my mom is currently sat on and one we were sat on.
"Would you like to sleep in this bed with me Mads or would u like to sleep in it alone and i will sleep in that one with my mom?" I ask and she finally relaxes and climbs under the duvet cover. " can i sleep in here with you please?" She asks and i melt away in that moment. All i have wanted was to hear my daughter ask me to sleep with her and cuddle her but i didn't think i ever would. Please be my Maddie. "of course baby girl." I say before joining her under the duvet and switching the light off. Mom watches with Awe and i finally feel like everything is how it should be. Even for just a moment.

Maddie's POV

Im staying with Taylor Swift tonight! I never thought this was even possible, but for some reason it doesn't feel like spending time with a celebrity like Phoebe calls her, it just feels right. When the final light goes off and the room becomes pitch black i panic a little. I always keep a light on in my room because i hate the dark, i think thats why mom always puts me in it when I'm annoying. I cant see anything or anyone and it freaks me out. All of a sudden a hand grabs my shoulder and Taylor is in front of my face.
"Sweetie it's okay." She says and her soothing voice automatically helps.
"would you like a light on or do you want me to cuddle you or both?" she asks and it makes me feel safe, like I'm not trapped, like the door would open if i tried to leave.
"both" i whisper a little embarrassed but she doesn't wait a second switching the small lamp beside our double bed on that lights up just enough space. She then lays on her back and picks me up so that i am laying on her stomach cuddled in. Her arms wrap around my waist and my head drops to her shoulder relaxing. Is this was Mila feels like when her Mummy puts her to bed? I wonder if Taylor is a mummy and thats why she knows what to do.

"Are you a mummy?" I ask curiously and she looks down at me surprised.
"I guess i am yes." She says but she looks a little sad as she moves the hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear.
"Where is your baby then?" I ask as i look around wondering if they actually were here and i didn't see them. That would be embarrassing.

"She got taken from me by bad people." She says and i notice Andrea now listening to us as she looks between me and Taylor curiously. I gasp and feel sad that Taylor's baby got taken because i can tell it makes her sad. "Why cant you go get them? How did they get taken?"

"She just learnt how to walk around and liked to make her mummy chase after her, but one day my friend took her to a soft play with me and she ended up being taken from there by the bad people while she was playing and no one can find her anywhere." she says with tears filling her eyes. "Im sorry i made you sad Taylor." I say a little nervous she will be mad at me for bringing it up.
"Don't be silly you were just curious its okay now come on let's sleep." She whispers snuggling me back into her before kissing the top of my head. The only other person to do that is Kate and it makes me feel warm inside. The safety of her arms and warmth of her body makes me fall into sleep much quicker than at home and soon enough darkness engulfs me as i fall asleep.

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