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Taylor's POV

The drive takes around 20 minutes, Maddie eventually calmed down and i noticed her head drooping a little every few seconds as her eyes closed for longer than normal while blinking, I think the day has finally worn her out so as the car pulls to a stop i pick her up laying her on my chest as i get out. She doesn't seem to notice the change in position and instead just falls straight to sleep on my shoulder.

The Police man who has now introduced himself as Ted escorts us through the hospital towards the paediatric ward.

We are told to wait in a small waiting room filled with toys and other small children waiting for their appointments too.

Maddie must hear the commotion and starts to fuss in her sleep until her eyes finally open revealing her beautiful blue orbs.

"hi princess." I coo gently running a finger over her cheek as she adjusts to the lights and new surroundings squinting and moving around in my arms.

"where we." she groans stretching her small arms over her head as she searches the room.

"we are at the hospital baby, we are going to make sure your all healthy and then me and you are going to take a test." I say laughing at how cute she looks after waking up but also wondering how i will explain what test it is we are getting. Hopefully the doctors don't mention it too much.

"am i sick?" she questions frightfully but i quickly shake my head and boop her nose,

"nope don't you worry they just want to make sure of something." I reply and then she pulls herself into a sitting position on my lap as she stares longingly at the toys the other kids are playing with in the waiting room.

"you can go play." I encourage and her head snaps towards me as her eyes search my face. I nod again to try and show that i don't mind and she slowly starts to slide of my lap, struggling as she is so small. I decide to help and place her onto the floor and she waddles over to the nearest toy she is interested in which happens to be a barbie doll of some sort.

She crouches down making sure to not let her bum touch the ground as she continues playing, mumbling words as she makes the barbie move along the ground and i watch in awe.

The playing seems to distract us both as i am brought out of my gaze when a doctor calls Maddie's name.

I clear my throat and stand up, wiping my sweaty hands down my pants and moving towards Maddie. I stretch my arms out, offering to pick her up and she quickly accepts basically throwing herself into my arms which makes me feel all warm and happy.

The doctor leads us to a room and shuts the door before introducing himself.

"hello there, my name is Dr Longrig, you must be Maddison how are you feeling." he asks bending down to her height to make her more comfortable, but i notice a tint of red shading her cheeks as she backs into my legs a little.

"Alright well first of all I've gotta measure you and weigh you to make sure you're growing big and strong okay?" He asks and she nods silently as i answer for her.

"thats fine thank you." I say taking a seat in the extra chair i assume is for parents as he instructs her how to stand to be measured.

He checks her height and then looks back at his computer before frowning a little but continues.

"okay super star can you step on here so i can see how much you weigh!" he smiles and she seems to be warming up to him as she smiles back and does what he asks.

He looks down at the scale and frowns once again which now makes me worried.
I know that Maddie is much smaller than an average 6 year old and that she is also much skinnier but i wasn't sure if it was dangerous for her.

"Is everything okay?" I ask timidly as he looks over at me and then sits down on his chair allowing Mads to return to my side.

The doctor waits a while as he types into his computer before he finally turns towards me and starts explaining

"Maddie is very underweight for her age. She is also not as tall as she should be for a healthy child so we will need to get her on a meal plan of some sorts because it would be dangerous to let her weight drop anymore." He says allowing my face to pale as he looks empathetically at us.

"ill do anything." I say quickly wanting to make sure my daughter is healthy.

"you have two options we can get her on a meal plan which wont be very enjoyable for her as she is so used to eating small meals." He starts making me once again frown knowing i wont do something that makes her unhappy.

"And option 2?" I ask hoping this one is better.

"we could start you on lactation pills and you could breastfeed Maddison allowing her to get the nutrients she needs from that instead." He says and i ponder on the decision.

Breastfeeding was something i wanted to do so badly when she was a baby but i wasn't able to at the time because of how hectic everything was but i always desired to have that connection with her. Would it not be weird to do that now? Would she even want to, but i want her healthy and if this is the option then i want to.

"I want to breastfeed please." I say running my hand through Maddie's  hair as i slowly smile at the idea of being able to share these moments i never thought i would.

"okay well we will be able to prescribe the pills and once the test results come back your milk should already have started to produce." He says as he stands up and begins grabbing some things from his drawers.

"okay time for your test!" He says as he kneels down to Maddie again.

"Can you open your mouth sweetheart so i can use this swap to collect some important things for my test." He says showing Maddie the swab but she turns around burying her face into my leg nervously.

"Want me to go first baby?" I ask and she nods slowly looking up from my leg to watch what happens.

Dr Longrig smiles at us and he then does my swab which i make seem funny as i make faces at her as he does it.

When it came her to turn she no longer refused and instead made faces at me while he did hers.

"Alright we are all done i have prescribed your pills and you should have the results soon." He says, reaching behind him and revealing a small red lolly pop before he hands it to the small child beside me.

"For being so brave today." He says explaining his gift that she eagerly accepts and smiles largely at it.
"thant ou." she whispers and he nods in response as i get us ready to leave.

Now i have to figure out what i am going to do tomorrow because i have another concert.

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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