car rides

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Taylors POV

After sending the photo to the group my friends were blowing up my phone. Especially Blake as she is my daughter God mother and is also hoping that this little girl is our Maddison. 

-🍾😉🪩 (Selena, Abigail Gigi, Blake


Selena💗- She is literally your twin omg!!



Gigi 🪩-keep us updated Taylor! Good luck today with the test.

Selena💗- yeah good luck babes.

Abigail🍾- it's baby swift!! Omg when can you bring her home i need my baby cuddles!


I laugh slightly at there messages and Maddy looks up at me, her beautiful blue eyes shining the same way they did as a baby.
"Sorry baby my friends just think you are adorable." I say noticing her confusion, of course i don't show her the messages as i know seeing them asking when she is coming home would frighten her.
She smiles sweetly at me before returning to watching the movie and i type a message back.
Tay 😉- just waiting for mom to come back and then we are heading to some cafe with her granny and sister .I'll ask if they will agree for her to take a paternity test and if they say no then the detectives on our case will get involved. Blake, considering she doesn't remember me i highly doubt she will remember you babe but when i have the results you can all have all the cuddles she is willing to give 🫶🏼🫶🏼

I click send and relax back into my baby girl, watching her small face react to the movie. I cant help but smile hoping that soon i will be told she is all mine and i can take her home again.

Mom comes back and greets us and we all finish getting ready. I help Maddie brush her teeth even though she is persistent she can do it herself, i brush her beautiful wavy hair and style it into an adorable ponytail and help her into her shoes. A look of shock coats her face when i begin to tie her laces and i notice small tears appearing in her eyes. I quickly finish her shoes and pick her up into a hug asking her what is wrong.

"No one has tied my laces before." She sniffles hiding her head in my chest and i hold her tighter at the information. My poor baby thinks that tying her laces is a big deal what else don't her parents do? I want to do everything for her and these awful people wouldn't even do that.
I want to protect her from the world and hide her away knowing people have upset my baby.

"Sweetie, i am going to do anything you need okay? It's okay let it out." I say rubbing her back as she continues to let her emotions flow in.

Once her tears stopped i kiss her forehead and pick her up sliding her onto my hip before telling mom we are off and she tells me to call her once it is over, which i know means
When i have mentioned the paternity test.
When we get to the hotels main floor i see paparazzi waiting outside, and i don't want to frighten Maddie so i grab a hat and sunglasses to cover her face. The hat is so big it falls over her face covering her and the sunglasses will help with the flashes.

"There is going to be some big cameras when we go out there okay but don't worry I'm gonna be right here and nothing is going to happen so you just cuddle into me and i will tell you when its over." I say preparing her and she mumbles an okay hiding her face in the crook of my neck

When we step outside and the flashes begin i walk as fast as i can to our car that is waiting for us and say nothing to the many questions being thrown at me.

"Who is the child?"
"Is this the girl you were seen with at your show last night taylor?"
"Are you related?"
"Where are you going taylor?"

I slide into the car and place her onto my lap knowing i don't have a car seat for her and put the seat belt around us both. I tell Greg the name of the Cafe we are meeting at and then sit back into my seat "its over." I whisper into her ear and she looks up at me and smiles showing her little teeth.

we sit in silence for a while during the drive before Maddie speaks "am i going back with granny now." she says in a small voice while looking down at her hands and i can tell that it makes her sad thinking about it. The people who are supposed to protect her are the people she doesn't want to be with why?

"I'm not sure yet baby. Do you not want to go with your granny?" i ask trying to get answers from her.

she shrugs her little shoulders even though i know she has an answer but i respect that she may not want to talk about it.
"i would rather stay with you." she says softly and i swear tears begin forming in my eyes. She has only spent one night with me yet she already thinks that i am better.

"wouldn't you miss your mummy and daddy?" I say while squeezing her hand in reassurance.
"no my mummy isn't like your mummy." she says tracing patterns onto my hand before sighing and leaning back against my chest.

"what's different about my mummy?" i ask frowning and she stays quite for a moment almost contemplating the question before replying.

"she loves you."

 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃 | TAYLOR SWIFTWhere stories live. Discover now