Giant peach

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Taylors POV

"What do you mean you want a paternity test for her!" She bursts out with a look of shock coating her face.
"Im sorry but you're not having one." she continues, as she starts gathering her stuff putting her belongings into her bag.
"I'm afraid we must be off. Have a nice day Miss Swift." She finishes with a fake smile on her face covering her concern and what looks to be fear. Why is she scared?

She speed walks over to the corner of the cafe kneeling down to Phoebes height and telling her it's time to go. I see Phoebes face drop in sadness due to wanting to spend time with a celebrity but it is quickly replaced with excitement when her Granny bribes her with something i didn't quite catch. Instead of doing the Same for Maddie she roughly grabs her arm pulling her up and dragging her towards the door.
I see her small innocent face contort in pain but she hides it the best she can.

Realising i haven't moved from shock i spring to action jumping up and running towards the door they are now exiting.
"Wait!" I call trying to catch up with them but this only makes her speed up ushering the children out of the door.

"fuck." I whisper under my breath grabbing my phone and dialling my lawyer while continuing to speed walk towards them.

the conversation with Mr Naylor was rushed and he has already alerted police of the situation telling me not to worry and that they cannot leave with Maddy until we have the test results as this case is a kidnapping otherwise.

I worry about how she will react to all of this. If she would rather i just let her go home with the family she grew up with even though they may not be her real ones but then I remember her fear during our car ride, asking me if was sending her home. She wanted to stay and she will.

The police arrive quicker than i expected and they walk towards the woman and children who were now waiting for a taxi. I see terror bulging from her Grans face seeing the police, making my suspicions of her knowing something even larger.

They are too far away for me to be able to hear their conversation but when they take Maddie into their arms and begin walking towards the police car i sigh in relief.

"Miss Swift, Maddie is going to be taken to the hospital where we can run the tests you requested. Then we will get in touch."
The officer states placing a crying Maddie into the back seat.
"I'm coming." i reply leaving no space for argument before slipping into the backseat as well.

Her little sobs break my heart and i immediately pull her into my lap soothing her.

"its okay baby I'm here." i whisper running my fingers through her beautiful blonde hair.

she lifts her thumb to her mouth sneakily but i don't mind letting her if it helps.

we sit in silence for a while allowing her sobs to slowly dull until the front door of the car is opened and the police officer takes a seat letting us know we are setting of.

I slowly move Maddie into the chair next to me, reaching over to put her seatbelt on and holding her hand as they start driving.

Maddison's POV

Granny told us to go and play and i didn't want to leave Taylor in case she left me but i listened incase i made Granny mad.
Phoebe told me to leave her alone so i sit in the corner with a book i found. Its got pictures of a boy and a peach that was so big he could go inside of it.

I am super nervous to go home because i know Mommy and Daddy are going to be mad at me for something.
I don't understand why i can never do anything right it would save me from getting hurt.

I look up towards Phoebe and see her playing with a Barbie doll. The doll has brown hair like Phoebe and shes wearing a dress. At home i don't have many toys and the ones i do have usually get taken by my sister and she doesn't let me play with them.

Im really happy Taylors mommy bought me that bunny toy but if Phoebe sees it she will probably take that too and i really want to keep it.

Luckily it is safe in Taylors bag right now but if she lets me take it home then i probably wont get to keep it.

After what feels like forever considering this book only has 4 pages and all they are filled with is just pictures of a big piece of fruit rolling around, i hear some loud noises coming from the table we were sat at and see Granny walking over to Phoebe. She has a mean look on her face, one that she makes when i walk to slow or when i ask a question or my tummy rumbles cause she forgot to give me some food.

She bends down to Phoebe and tells her we have to leave. I silently beg in my head hoping she will forget about me and leave me here.

If she leaves me here then Taylor will have to take me back and i can live with her.

But that doesn't happen and once phoebe is standing she walks towards me with a disgusted expression and yanks my arm forcing me onto my feet.

I involuntarily walk with them as i am dragged harshly out of the cafe.

I look towards Taylor trying to get her attention but she seems lost in a day dream.
I huff knowing that now i am going home to my mean family and leaving behind my bunny and the only person who has ever tied my laces or kissed my forehead.

"just you wait until i tell your dad about this." granny mutters under her breath and now i am super nervous. What did i do?

Did taylor tell granny I'm a bad girl.

"all you are is a problem girl, do you hear me?" she accuses her teeth gritted as she continues pulling me down the street.

My eyes sting and i begin to hold my breath because sometimes it makes me focus on wanting to breathe more than cry when i am sad.

She tightens her grip on my arm digging her long fingernails into my skin as she softly caresses my sister's hand.


A/N- i swear i watched something as a kid with a giant peach but idk i couldn't think of anything else.
What do you think of this chapter?
Who's POV do you like more? Should i stick to swapping or should i just do one persons?

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