Telling Tim

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So this is a continuation of Pregant? Obviously the title gives it away. She tells Tim.

Does it go well? Does it go bad? Only time will tell



The day was the longest I've had in a while.

But, I'm glad it's done.

Im Changing in the locker room when Angela walks up to me.

"Hey. Lucy. How are you feeling?" She whisper asked

"Nervous. But I know I have to tell him." I said

"Hes going to be so excited." Angela Said

"I don't know. I'm so nervous. We talked about kids. But we haven't even been engaged that long. I'm terrified." I said "My parents weren't exactly nurturing. Nothing I ever did was good enough."

"When I was pregant with Jack. I was also scared. I wasn't ready for a kid either. I wanted the fairy tale and the romance before the responsibility. But, Jack was something that was going to happen. A baby was going to be born. The romance and fairy tale was different than what I was expecting. But I wouldn't trade that for the world." Angela Said "You're going to be an amazing Mom. You're kind, compassionate, you have so many good things that any kid would be lucky to have you as their mom."

"You're kids are lucky to have you." I said softly "Thank you. I needed that."

"You'll have to tell me how telling Tim goes." Angela says "I think he's going to be so excited. If he's anything less than over the moon. I'll set him straight for you. I promise."

"Thank you Lopez. Night." I said grabbing my bag and heading out

Tim was working late on a Metro OP. So I asked Nolan to give me a ride back to my place and Tim was going to meet me home after the OP was done.

This was the perfect time to set it up.

I grabbed the black baby boots I had tucked away in my closet.

I set them out on the island and put the positive test on the counter next to them.

Okay. Nothing to do now but wait.

Several hours pass. I watched property brothers and other reality TV shows.
I was in the bathroom. When I heard the keys in the lock and the door turning.

Okay. Here we go.


I entered Lucy and Is place to find the TV on but Lucy wasn't infront of the TV.  She must be in the bathroom or something.

I walked into the kitchen. When I noticed something.

Black baby boots and a pregnancy test. I picked it up and looked at it. It was positive.

"Lucy?" I called out

Lucy appeared into the kitchen area and she clearly looked nervous.

I was still holding the positive pregnancy test. I'm going to be a dad. Lucy's going to be a Mom.

"Is this for real?" I asked slowly looking up "Are you?"

She nodded "Yeah."

I set the pregnancy test down next to the boots and walked over to my gorgeous fiance the future mother of my child.

I was so excited I picked Lucy up and spun her around in a hug. Setting her back down and I kissed her

"Were going to be parents!" I said

"Yeah." She said

"Is everything healthy?" I asked

"I just found out this morning. But I did go ahead and I made an appointment for tomorrow at noon." Lucy said "I wanted to make sure you were there."

I kissed her again "of course I'm going to be there."

"Were going to be parents." Lucy said
"To a baby boot."

"Baby Boot?" I questioned

"Yeah. That's what I decided to call the baby until we know if it's a boy or a girl." Lucy said "Angela gave me the idea."

"Angela knows?" I asked

"Yeah. I wanted her opinion on how to tell you." I said

"Well I can't wait for tomorrow. To see our Baby Boot for the first time." I said

"Me too." She confirmed

I put one hand on Lucy's stomach

"That's our baby boot in there." I said smiling

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