the hospital

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This is a continuation of the previous part


Angela's POV

When we got off the elevator. We passed through the hospital. Nolans girlfriend Grace is Lucy's doctor.

She asked us to wait in the lobby while she makes sure everything's alright.


We're still waiting for any sort of news on Lucy. When the doctor comes out. Harper, Nolan, Armstrong, and Jackson said they were about five minutes out at this point.

"So Lucy appears stable all things considered. She wants to speak to someone and get all the evidence collected before she let's us treat anything."

"Why can't this wait?" someone asked

"Im not going to tell her no. She wants this done. So I was thinking. Angela? Would you mind doing the statement and evidence collecting?" Grace asked
"That okay with you Wade?"

"Fine with me. Chain of custody is done to the letter on this one." Grey said

"Of course Sir." Angela Said walking away with Grace.

About another hour passes and at this point everyone's arrived.

Light conversation has been made and were just waiting for an update at this point.

Then Angela walks out into the waiting area with the evidence kit.


Angela walks through the double doors into the waiting area where we all were.

"I got all the evidence collected. She did give a statement. Only a partial one. I didn't want to push it." Angela Said "Nyla is meeting me outside and she's giving me a ride back to the station. We're going to start logging this and get the paperwork started." Angela Said

Grey nodded "Okay. Good. Everything on this is done to the letter."

Jackson and Nolan came up the elevator stepping off

"Any word?" Jackson asked

"I got a statement and evidence collected. They're starting to treat her now." Angela Said

"I'd like to help with anything." Nolan said

"Keep me and Nyla posted with any updates. I'll text you if we need an extra set of hands." Angela says heading for the elevator stepping into it and tbe doors closed behind her.

"Has anyone called her parents?" I asked

"I. Um. She. Um. She hasn't spoken to them in a while. I'm not sure she'd want them here." Jackson said

"They weren't thrilled about the idea of Lucy becoming a cop. So they've kind of had a strained relationship." Nolan continued

"We still should call them anyways." Grey said "I'll call them."

As Grey stepped away to make that phone call. Grace appeared back into the waiting area.

"So. She's very dehydrated, ribs are a little bruised, her head lac isn't to deep. we are getting scans to rule out any internal injuries. She is currently sedated and probably will be out for a while." Grace said

"So she's going to be okay?" Jackson asked

"Based off of everything I have seen thus far. I have no reason to suspect other wise. We're running scans to rule out things internal. The marks on her wrists from the ties. They're a little raw but they're going to heal just fine. Like I said. She's sedated while we get scans." Grace said "she's getting rehydrated while she's sedated."

"What are we looking at. Recovery time wise?" Grey asked

"She will probably have to be in the hospital until atleast tomorrow. Then I would be speculating after that. But time line wise. I'd say anywhere from a week to three weeks. Depends on how it all goes." Grace says

"She's asleep. But in about 15 minutes she'll be all situated in a room. If you want to see her?" Grace said

"Im Staying." I said to Grey "She's my boot. She's my responsibility. I'm not leaving."

"That's fine with me Bradford. I'm going to assign two officers outside Officer Chens door at all times." Grey said then turning to Nolan and West "If you two want to stay and wait. I'm alright with that."

"I got it Sir. Everyone can go back to the station. Go home. Whatever you need to do. I'll send updates." I say "If you guys need to go for a bit. I'll stay."

"Thank you. I'm going to go back to the station and see what I can do to help Lopez and Harper." Nolan said

"Im gonna run home. Grab things for Lucy when she wakes up. I'll head over to the station. See if they need anything. Then I'll be here." West said "Do you need anything?"

"Thanks West. She'll appreciate that." I say to him "But I'm good though."


They all started to leave But Tim who was making himself comfortable in those impossible hospital chairs.

Tim knew he is responsible for a life that is now no longer in jeopardy. But he's still going to be there for his boot no matter what.

That was a promise he made to her and he doesn't intend on breaking it.

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