Before the Hospital

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This is like before Lucy wakes up in the hospital and has that conversation with Tim.
This starts like right as she is revived.



Pulling Lucy out of the barrel was one of the worst things I have ever had to do as a cop. She clearly had been through alot in the last several hours before she was put in the barrel.

I could feel the crowd gathering around us after we pulled her out. She was unconscious.

"Is she breathing?" Grey asked

I held my head closer to her to see if I could hear anything.

"No." I say

I immediately give her a rescue breath. Then another one. Then all I can think of is start cpr.

No response and I won't accept that. So I just keep going.

Come on Boot. Come on.

I kept going. Then suddenly a big gasp of air came from Lucy.

Her eyes popped open. Gasping for air loudly. She started to sit up. Her eyes scanned her surroundings and she started sobbing. I grabbed her and held her head while she sobbed.

She was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably.


Nobody really wanted to speak after what they just witnessed. They all saw their coworker, rookie, officer, and friend essentislly dead infront of them and then she was brought back.


I tried to see if Lucy would let me let her go. But she just still kept shaking and her sobs had subsided into just silent tears. She wasn't in the position to let go.

"We have to get her to the hospital." Grey said

"The Ambulance isn't going to be able to get up here." Harper said

"I know. That's why we're taking her with the air ship." Grey said

"Is that allowed?" Nolan asked

"I don't care at this moment if it is or isn't. Harper you and Nolan go get your shop take it back to the station. The rest of us well take the air ship to the hospital." Grey ordered "West you go back with them. We will met you guys at the hospital."

Grey started talking into his radio and the response was given but I really wasn't listening.

"Lucy. We have to get you to the hospital. Okay?" I say gently

She was still shaking and I wasn't sure if she could have even stood up.

"Tim?" Angela Said "we have to get going."

I knew that we had to go.

"Lucy? We have to get you checked out. Lucy?" Jackson tried

She looked up at Jackson and nodded. She was still shaking but she still took Jackson's hand to stand up.

Jackson helped her to the helicopter while the rest of us walked behind them.

Angela looked at me for a moment. I'm sure we were both thinking the same thing. But I didn't really want to acknowledge what we were both thinking.

"I'll be there as soon as I can. I promise." Jackson said as he let Lucy step into the air ship.

She nodded.

"Will you let me know anything when you know?" Jackson says to Lopez

"Yeah. I'll text you." Lopez says back

Jackson nodded his thanks. He gave Lucy one quick look and again promised he'd be there as soon as possible.

Lopez and I climbed in once he moved away from the ship and started back with Nolan and Harper.

Once I got into the seat. Angela sat on the other side of Lucy.

The pilot told us we were about to take off and then about a minute later we did.


The ride on the air ship was relatively silent. Nobody really wanted to speak. Emotions were heavy. Most importantly the thing on everyone's mind was Lucy. The fact that she survived.

As the ride continued. In a peaceful silence. It was cut short by the pilot telling them they were about to land.


"Were about one minute out from landing." The pilot said

Everyone nodded and prepared for the decent.

"Doctors are waiting on the roof." Grey said

The ship handed and the door was opened. Everyone got out and Lucy was immediately shuffled into the gurney and they entered the elevator.

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