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This one's like a fun little thing where like. Is Baby Boot a thing? What will be the reactions of Tim and Lucy? Their friends?

Only time will tell



Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap.

I look at the test infront of me. And the glaring word in all caps staring back at me was a little bit freaking me out. PREGNANT.

I can't be pregnant. I can't take care of a baby! We weren't even trying for a baby.

Then it hits me. Tim's going to be a dad. How is he going to react? Is he gonna freak?

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Lucy you okay in there?" Tim asked knocking on the door

"Um Yeah. I'm okay." I said

"You ready to go?" He asked

"Yeah." I said grabbing my bag pushing all my thoughts out of my head.

Trying not to let Tim know I was freaking out was alot harder than I would have guessed.

'Talk to Angela' I said to myself 'She'd know what to do.'

We arrived at work and we went to the different locker rooms. Luckily Angela was sitting infront of her locker and it was the perfect chance to ask.

"Hey. Um Angela. Can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked

"Sure. What's up?" She asked

"I um. I need you not to freak out. Okay?" I said

"Okay. What's up?" She asked

"I um. I can't even believe it yet. But I am um pregnant." I said "And its obviously Tim's."

To say Angela was excited was an understatement.

"Oh wow! Okay! Wow! Um. First. Everything healthy?" Angela asked

"I just took the test this morning. I haven't even absorbed it all to make an appointment." I said

"What did Tim say? Was he excited?" She asked

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I haven't told him yet. I'm a little bit nervous on how to tell him." I said biting my lip with nerves

"Well, with Jack Wesley found the test in the trash and he confronted me about it." Angela Said

"That doesn't really help me." I said

"Well. You still have all those old baby boots?" She asked

"I have a couple." I said

"Leave a pair on the counter with the test." Angela suggested "Simple. Sweet. And even Tim can catch on about that."

"Thank you Angela! You're the best." I say

"Anytime. Remember that when it comes time to give Baby Boot a name." She said laughing closing her locker door and heading out

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