Bday of Baby Boot

306 9 1

This is a continuation of 9 months later.



I stood up, and my water broke.

Oh crap.

Oh crap.

Oh crap.

Oh crap.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Tim's not supposed to be here for another three hours.

When I tried to grab my phone, a contraction hit that almost knocked me over.

I grabbed the back of the sofa and am waiting for the contraction to pass.

Okay. You don't have much time. Call Tim

I called Tim. It went to voice-mail.

I called Tim again. Same thing. Went to voice mail

I called Tim a third time, and it went straight to voice-mail. Again.

After the third try, another super big contraction hit.

My legs almost buckled from how strong that one was.

I was thinking who'd know how to get Tim.


I pulled up Angela's contact and called her



I looked down at my phone and saw Lucy was calling me.

I answered "Hey what's up?"

I heard deep breathing on the other end of the phone before Lucy answered, "My water broke. My contractions are getting closer together. I can't get ahold of Tim. I've called him three times."

I motioned for Nyla next to me in the car. "Lucy's water broke. Tim's not answering his phone. Will you?" I started to ask, but Nyla cut me off

"I'll call Grey and ask if Tim's on a raid. Tell Lucy we'll be there in less than five." Nyla said

"Hear that, Lucy?" I asked

Lucy made a noise like she did

"Nylas on the phone with Grey and telling him what's going on. Greys gonna get him. Okay?" I said."We're on our way."

"Hurry!" Lucy said on the phone

"Lucy. Stay on the line with me, okay? Stay on the line. We were on our way." I said

Every time a contraction came, you could hear it in her voice. The phone would go silent for about a minute when each one came.

After every contraction, you could hear a difference in her voice. She was in pain. This baby wasn't waiting.

We get to Lucy and Tim's place, and I run in. Nyla stayed with the car to drive quickly.

"Lucy!" I yelled."You have to let me in. It's me!" I yelled

She opened the door. There was no mistaking it. Lucy was in labor.

"Hey Mama." I said,'Let's go. We gotta go. This baby clear has Tim's stubbornness. She's not waiting."

Lucy nodded, grabbing Angela's hand as the next contraction hit.

"Did you find Tim?" She asked

"Nylas still on the phone with Grey. She's getting an update on Tim. They got word through to his boss." I say."He will be there."

Lucy ChenWhere stories live. Discover now