Baby boot a boy or a girl?

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This one. It's a time jump. It's where they find out if Baby Boot is a boy or a girl.


Lucy is about twenty four weeks into the pregnancy.

The first trimester was rough for Lucy. She wasn't having a great time. She had morning sickness every morning, and she was starting to get uncomfortable.

She wasn't really sleeping too well. The only time she could guarantee that she would fall asleep is when Tim was there.

By about week eighteen. She had a more obvious pregnancy bump.

Lucy was very excited to be done with the first trimester.

Lucy got more excited as each day passed, and the reality started to hit her that she was going to be a Mom. She couldn't be happier. She'd take all the sleepless nights, the uncomfortable feelings, and everything that comes next.

But the biggest change came from Tim. Ask anyone at the station, and they would tell you the biggest surprise was the shift in Tim's personality. They saw the softer side of Tim. It wasn't often. But there were moments when you could see the softer side of Tim.

Tim walked in with Lucy every morning holding her bags and his, he paid attention to every sort of discomfort Lucy had and he knew how to fix it, Tim knew every appointment date and time, and he knew every single pregnancy craving Lucy had and he always made sure something was around for her when it would kick in.

To say Tim is excited to be a dad is an understatement.
When the big day of the twenty week scan arrived. He is very excited.


We're sitting in the doctors office waiting to be called back. My legs bounced.

Tim saw and put his hand on my thigh to calm my nerves

"You excited?" He asked

"Im nervous." I said,'And excited. Do you have a preference on what Baby Boot is?"

"I'd be so excited for a girl. But I don't have a preference for either. Boy or girl. All I want is for Baby Boot to be happy and healthy." Tim said

"You want a girl?" I asked, smiling

"Oh yeah. I want a mini Lucy running around. I want a little Lucy running around." Tim said

"She'd be the stubbornest kid on every playground." I said laughing."If she's part me and part you."

"Oh, yes. I have no doubt." Tim Said laughing "You know what Angela said the other day? She said that our kid would probably have major golden retriever energy."

I laughed. "Im not even sure what that means. But I think it's a compliment."

Suddenly a nurse opens the door to the waiting room. And calls for me.

Tim and I get up hand in hand. We slowly make our way back to the exam room. Once we get settled in the nurse starts asking questions

"Alrighty Mama. We're at about twenty three and a half weeks. Yes?"

"Yes." I answered

"Perfect. And I see today is the day where we hopefully can see what you're having." The nurse says "How we feeling? Excited? Nervous? Dad? How about you?"

"Im a little nervous. But excited. He's thrilled." I said laughing at Tim

"Well Yeah!" Tim said "Im thinking it's a girl."

The nurse laughed "Well your blood pressure is stable and your heart rare and everything looks good. The doctor will be in with the machine and hopefully get you that answer you're looking for Dad."

"Thank you." We both said to the nurse as she left.

After about five or so minutes The doctor came in with the ultrasound.

"Hey There Officer Chen, seargent Bradford. How are we today?" The doctor asked "How are you doing?"

"Good. The morning sickness has gone away for the most part." I said

"How is sleeping going? I know that's been an issue." The doctor asked mainly Tim

"I'd say better." Tim said "I've made sure I'm home at night to help if she needs. But it's been going slightly better I think."

"How do you think?" The doctor asked me

"I'd say alright." I said

"Okay. Good. So we plan on seeing if the little ones gender today." The doctor confirmed

"Yes." I say

"Any guesses before we start?" The doctor says "Lucy. If you want to go ahead and lift up your shirt. I'll apply the gel and we'll get going."

I did as the doctor asked while Tim spoke

"I think it's a girl. I just have this gut feeling it's a girl." Tim said

"What about you Mama?" The doctor said

"Im not sure. I don't really know." I say

"Well that's alright. Let's see. Ah. Here's your baby." The doctor said showing us the ultrasound.

"That's our baby." I said

"That's our baby." Tim parroted kissing my hair

"Let's see. Come on baby. Let's see. Okay." The doctor said

"So? Which is it?" I asked

"Well. I can say with utmost certainty. 99% positive that Tim was right. You're having a girl." The doctor said wiping the gel off me.

"Awe! We're having a girl!" I said

"Were having a girl!" Tim said giving me a kiss again.

I sat up and gave Tim a hug.

"Congratulations Mom and Dad. You're having a girl." The doctor said

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