Baby boots coming home.

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You know. I had a clever riddle ready to go for this one. But I forgot it.

But if anyone happens to maybe have some ideas. I'd be open to some suggestions.

This is Tim and Lucy's first night with the baby. Same baby as all the other ones. Ruby


"Alright, Mom and Dad. Are you guys ready to get out of here?" The nurse asked, bringing a wheelchair in for Lucy.

"Angela's bringing the car up now." I said

I helped Lucy into the wheelchair. She wanted to hold Ruby before she had to go in the car seat.

The nurse was reminding Lucy of tips and tricks to help nurse Ruby. Lucy talked to the nurse, making sure she got every last bit of information.

I couldn't help but also look at my beautiful newborn daughter in her moms arms, sleeping peacefully.

She is absolutely perfect. She has the same dark brown hair that her mom does, and the same little smile that matches her mom, she is all Lucy, and she is beautiful.

Lucy was right about one thing, though. She has my eyes. But her eyes. There's a story beginning behind those eyes. A story that will be filled with so much love. 

We get down to where Angela was waiting with the car.

"There's my God daughter." Angela said, smiling at the sleeping newborn."Ready?" She asked

I took Ruby from Lucy and got her all settled in the car seat. Angela sat in the passenger seat. I drove, and Lucy sat in the back with Ruby.

We were discussing random cases, old and new. Angela was giving us a brief overview of her and Harper's new case.

"Enough work talk." Angela Said."I can't believe you guys are parents now. It's crazy."

"Yeah. I know." Lucy said

"But luckily she's a good baby." I said

"She sleep last night?" Angela asked

"She only woke up once." Lucy confirmed.

"Jack was better than his sister when it came to sleeping when they were that size." Angela Said.

"Yeah. She let us both get sleep last night. Which I was thankful for." Lucy said

"That's great." Angela Said

"Do you need a ride home?" I asked Angela

"Nah. Wesley's at your house." She said."I told him when to leave, so he'd just meet me there."

I nodded with what she said, and we drove through traffic.

We pulled into the driveway.

"She still asleep?" I asked, hoping we didn't have to wake her

"No. She just woke up. Huh, baby girl. Are you ready to see your house?" Lucy said

"I'll grab the bags. You grab her?" I asked Lucy

"I'll get her." Angela said to Lucy

Angela got Ruby's car seat out of the car and brought her inside still in the carrier.

"I'll set her here." Angela said, setting Ruby in her carrier down on the table

"Hey!" Wesley said, coming out from the hallway."Congratulations." He said, hugging Lucy and myself.

"Thanks." I said

"Alright. We're gonna go. We have to go pick up Jack." Angela Said .Call me if you guys need anything."

"Thank you, Angela." Lucy said

"Anything for my God daughter!" Angela said very seriously

"See Lucy? I told you this was gonna be a bad idea." I said."Soon, she's gonna be colluding with my sweet baby girl to scheme her way out of getting in trouble."

Anglea laughed and said, "You know it, Bradford."

We said our goodbyes to Angela and Wesley

I closed the door.

"I can't believe it." Lucy said, looking at Ruby

"I know." I said

"She's here. A-A-And she's perfect." Lucy said."And she's ours."

"Yeah. That's our baby girl." I said

"Our baby boot." Lucy said

"Our baby boot." I confirmed

"Im going to put her in the bouncer seat. Keep her elevated." Lucy said, grabbing Ruby from the car seat.

"When does she need fed again?" I asked

"She ate before we left for the hospital. So I'd say she's good for a while." Lucy said,"But she's probably going to need a change soon."

"Okay." I said


Ruby was perfect in the eyes of her Mom and Dad.

She is the easiest baby. She loved to be held. She is the dream baby.

Lucy and Tim worked out their schedule on how things were gonna work till Tim had to go back to work.

Tim luckily was able to cash in some vacation days to be able to stay with Lucy and Ruby for longer. Grey was more than understanding.

All was perfect in their first night with their little Ruby

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