The stars

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This one. I'm not gonna give too much away.  But I did read one, and it gave me this idea.

I'll just say this is roughly right around the time of them rescuing Angela.



The helicopter that was carrying Angela, Wesley, Nolan, Tim, and Nyla was about to make reentry into the states in LA.

Grey had organized it so that they would be meeting them in a car and made sure that they all got medical treatment.

Time had gone and past. They had all been evaluated at the hospital.

Nobody really had a moment to stop and think about the fact that Yes Angela is alive and the baby is safe right where it should be. But there was someone who risked their life to make sure that Angela and the baby turned out okay.

It was a thought that was on everyone's minds. But nobody really wanted to bring it up in that moment in time.

"Hey. Guys. How about drinks and food at my house?" Nolan asked the group

"Yeah. Okay." Angela said, nodding her head

"You sure? We can do this another night." Wesley said, looking at Angela unsure

"Yeah. I'm sure." Angela Said

"I'll text Lucy. Everyone meet my place in an hour?" Nolan questioned

Everyone nodded murmers of agreement with what Nolan suggested.





Slowly, the group arrived at Nolans house. Nyla and James, Wesley and Angela, Tim, and Lucy.

As the night progressed, everyone was trying to have a decent time.

There was someone missing. There was no hiding that fact.

But after a while, Angela was looking around. She definitely noticed something weird. Lucy wasn't there in the room with the rest of them.


"Hey. Do you guys know where Lucy went?" I asked

There were a few murmers of No's from the group.

"I think she went to the bathroom." James said

"Im gonna go check." I said."Make sure she's okay."

I got up and started walking through the house. When I stopped and saw the patio door was slightly ajar.

I walked towards the door. I heard a soft sniffling sound.

I opened the door more, and Lucy was sitting with her back to the door.

"Hey?" I said, 'You okay?"

Even though my back was to Lucy, I could tell she quickly was trying to cover the fact that she was crying.

She wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

With her back still to me

"Hey." She said, sniffling

"I wondered where you disappeared to." I said

"Here I am." She said softly

"Can I sit?" I asked

She nodded

I sat down next to her.

She seemed like she couldn't bring herself to look at me directly in the eyes.

She just stared up at the stars.

"You know he'd love this." Lucy said, pointing at stars and the lights down below.

"I know." I said

Lucy slowly turned her head towards me, and I saw her eyes were full of tears. "I miss him." She said tearfully

"I do too." I said,'You know. I'm not entirely sure I'll be able to walk into the station after I have this baby. The first time not hearing his voice. Not seeing his face. It's going to be hard."

"I-I-I can't even imagine walking into his room." She said,"His parents are coming tomorrow and getting his stuff."

"Do you want me there?" I asked seriously

"If you want to. They're coming around nine." She said

"I'll be there." I promised.

"Thanks." Lucy said

"Can I tell you something?" I asked Lucy

Lucy still keeping her eyes on the skyline, nodded.

"I've thought about a name for the baby. And I wanted to run it past you." I said

This one was tricky. If she didn't like the idea. Then I definitely can't go through with it. She has to be somewhat okay with this or else I won't do it.

"I've thought about naming the baby after him." I said "Jack."

Lucy turned to me and had a smile on her face.

"That sounds perfect. I think Jack is perfect." Lucy said wiping her eye

"You think?" I asked softly

"Yes. And Most importantly. He would have loved the idea." Lucy said

Just then a shooting star crossed the sky.


Lucy and Angela both took that as him giving permission.

Giving them both permission to heal. To move forward with their lives.

That night forged a newfound stronger friendship between Angela and Lucy that night.

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