No Boots?

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Idk. I think this one's gonna be the TOs like reactions to none of the boots being there. Because ya know. Boots never get time off.

This is set like after Lucy's abduction.



Today is my first shift back after what happened with Lucy.

She's home from the hospital. She's been home for about a day or two.

Walking into the briefing room, I see Angela and Harper. I go to sit down next to them.

"Where's your boots?" I asked them

"We don't know. I called Jackson. No answer." Angela Said

"Nothing from Nolan either." Harper said

"We know why My Boots is not here. But yours too? Somethings off." I said."I mean, they had to give Chen time off."

"Alright, everybody!" Grey announced halting all conversations

"Night shift did an okay job with doing their jobs last night. Only left a handful of cases that need to be followed up on." Grey said, causing people around to laugh

"Where's the boots?" Someone asked

"I was getting to that." Grey said,"As you all can see. Officers West, Nolan, and Chen are not here. After the incident with Officer Chens abduction. I decided to give the rookies a couple of days off." Grey said."That being said. TOs you do not have any rookies. But you will still carry on your days as normal."

"Do you want us to do anything?" Angela asked

"I will leave that up to you, Detective Lopez. If you want to check in on them throughout the day. I can not stop you. If you want them to have space. I can't stop you either. The three of them are together. That much I know."  Grey said,'That'll be all. Go. Do your jobs."

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