Waking Up

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Continuing off of The Hospital and The rescue



Hours pass after the initial intake of Lucy in the hospital. She's still asleep. So everyone's gone home.

Except for Tim Bradford. Who kept his promise. He's responsible for a life and he's going to do everything in his power for her.

Tim had promised Jackson and Nolan that he would stay with her. They could go home get some sleep. Work if they needed to. But he was keeping his promise.

Tim sat in the uncomfortable chair without complaint. The doctors and nurses all admired his commitment in different ways.

It was clear Lucy was out cold and that the sedatives were working very well. Tim wasn't worried about making noise if he did have to get up.

Rachel brought him things he requested. She understood that he wasn't leaving her side. The situation called for it. So she understood.

Around 1 a.m Tim dozed off for a bit. He was awoken around 6 a.m by a knock at Lucy's door.


I was awoken by Angela knocking

"Sorry!" Angela whispered

"You don't have to whisper." I said "She's still out from the sedation. She's been out for hours."

"Oh Okay." Angela Said "you've been here all night?" Questioning me

"I promised that I would be here." I said

"I know you did." She said

"She's my responsibility. She's my boot." I said

"Yes she is." Angela Said

"You'd be doing the same thing if something happened to Jackson." I said

"Probably." She said "But I'd hope you'd have enough sense to tell me to take a minute for myself."

"What?" I asked

"While I'm here. You're going for a break. I don't care what it is. Coffee, snack run, whatever. But you're leaving this room for a minute. Give yourself a little break." Angela Said

"I can't." I said

"Yes. You can. She'll be fine with me for ten minutes while you go grab coffee and a snack. Shes still asleep from the meds anyways." Angela Said."Im not going anywhere till you do."

"Okay. Fine!" I huffed


Angela had a slight look of gratification that she managed to get Tim out of the room even if only for five minutes. He needed a short break. They both knew it. But they both knew Tim would have to be told that he had to. Or else he wouldn't have done it.

Time passed and Tim returned to the room acknowledging the two officers outside the door before he entered.


"Here. Brought you this." I said tossing Anglea the muffin and handing her the coffee.

"Feel better?" She asked taking a drink out of the cup.

"A bit. Be better when she wakes up though." Tim confirmed

"She will. You said it yourself. They got her on some heavy stuff. And besides. She needed the sleep." Angela Said

"Did you take care of all the paperwork and log all the evidence yesterday?" I asked trying to change the subject

"Nyla and I we got all the logging done. Paperwork is going to take a while. And we need more information from Lucy." She confirmed

"More?" I questioned "she gave a statement?"

"Yeah. This is just like getting confirmation and possibly more details." Angela Said "Nothing major. Grey wants it air tight before we hand the case to the DAs office."

"But." Angela Said "I have a stack of paperwork waiting for me at the station. Text me when she's awake. We'll come back and do the reinterview then."

"Copy." I say "I'll let you know."

"Need anything before I go?" Angela asks

"I will need you to bring me something." I said

I was telling her to bring food for later. She doesn't know that it's for Lucy when she wakes up.

Angela nodded and promised she'd be back later.


Several more hours had passed since Tim and Angela's conversation. Rachel stopped by and brought Tim some things just incase. Brought Lucy somethings as well.

Tim's phone was on the charger. So he decided to pick up one of these magazines Rachel brought for Lucy. Unaware that Lucy was slowly starting to wake up.

"What are you reading? Teen Rebel?"

"They actually have some insightful political articles."

"Oh which BTS member is your soul mate? It's gotta be Soga right?"

"Totally. What's a BTS?"

I laughed "Oh God." Laughing but uncomfortable when moving with the bruises

"Have you been here all night?"


I hummed not really believing him

Then the door opened and the doctor walked in

"Glad to see that you're awake."


"You just missed Rachel she said she'd be back after work."

"Oh does that mean I'll be in the hospital for a while?"

"Probably Until tomorrow. We need to get you rehydrated and make sure nothing unexpected pops up. You know you're very lucky."

"How did you find me?" I asked Tim

"That was my genius policing skills. That's just what people are saying anyways." Nolan said popping out from behind the door "I brought you something." Holding a giant pink Teddy bear behind his back

"I can see that." I said laughing

"It's the biggest one I can find."

"Oh my god, I should hope so!" I say laughing "Oh my gosh I'm gonna need a bigger apartment."

"Oh. No No." A voice said from the hallway. Jackson stepped in with a beautiful thing of flowers in a vase. "He cannot have my room."

"Awe Thank you." I say to Jackson

"Well he is a she. And she is going to sleep in my bed. Since I am clearly never going on a date again."

"Im not sure that should be the take away." Nolans doctor girlfriend said

Jackson, Tim and Nolan were all mumbling their own thoughts Of how it was not a bad idea.

"Wow. So is the type of support and understanding I can look forward to from now on."

Nolan shook the Teddy bears head

"Pretty much." Tim said

"That's great." I said laughing "that's really good."

"You hungry?" Tim asked

"Yeah. I'm starving." I say starting to sit up "You know what I really want to eat right now."

Tim cuts me off and says "Veggie burger and fries. Extra pickles."

I look over at him and smile "you know me so well."

Tim shakes his head with a small smile and says "To well."

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