I told Him

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This is essentially like post break. This one is essentially once Angela hears about it.

This one takes place the night of the break up. Leading into the next morning.



Lucy stood there stunned at what just happened.

She couldn't really think. She just got into her car and was essentially on auto pilot mode.

She did have one thought, though. If there's anyone who would maybe have some sort of extra insight. She needed to talk to them.

So that's exactly what Lucy did. She went to Angela's house.


Wes and I had just put the kids to bed and sat back down on the couch. When there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Wesley said

Wesley walked over to the door and opened it up "Oh Hey Lucy."

"Lucy?" I asked

"Can I come in?" She asked."I um. I um. I need to talk to Angela."

Wesley let her into the house.

Lucy just had this look on her face. Like you could tell something was wrong.

"What happened? Is everything okay?  Is Tim Okay? Are you okay?" I asked, sitting up

"Me? I'm not doing so great. Tim. He um. He just broke up with me." Lucy explained."And I um. I um. I'm a little confused and upset right now. I didn't know where else to go just to talk to someone about what just happened."

"He what?" I asked, not sure I heard her correctly

"Yeah. He broke up with me outside the station after his meeting with IA." Lucy said.

"Oh Lucy, I'm sorry." Wesley said

"What did Tim say?" I asked

"He had said how I deserve so much better than him. So that's why he is walking away." Lucy said, eyes watering again,"I told him. You don't get to lie to me. Then, use that as an excuse to leave me." Lucy said."But his mind was made up. I tried to get him to talk."

I sat there speechless at what I just heard. But Lucy kept going.

"I um. I still am not entirely sure why I came here. But I wanted you to hear what happened before it got out and the rumors started." Lucy said, "I'm not sure why, but coming here was the only thing I thought to do."

"Im glad you did come here." I said truthfully. "Tim's an idiot sometimes. Which I say with love as his best friend. He's stubborn and an idiot. Which if I could get your permission for this. I'll make sure he knows it."

"Don't tell him I came to you first. Please?" She asked

"Why?" Wesley asked

"Because he's going to need you, Angela. Yeah, he's stubborn. But he's going to need someone there." Lucy said."I can't do it. And I need it to be you."

"How can you do it?" I asked."He just broke up with you. I offered to give him an earful. Kick his ass for you. But you're sitting here telling me to take care of him. Be there for him."

"I don't know. Truthfully. I still love him. I know he loves me, too." Lucy said.

"That's why I think he's stupid." I said."He cares about you more than I ever saw with Isobel. It was the happiest I'd seen him in years."

Lucy gave me a sad smile. "Maybe someday we'll get back together."

"Oh, I'll make sure he comes to his senses." I said

"There's a lot more there that I can't help with. He needs to work on for himself." She said.

I nodded in understanding, "If you ever need anything. Don't hesitate to call me." I said

"I know. Thank you." She said


Lucy and Angela had a long conversation about the whole thing. Angela really made sure Lucy was alright.

Clearly, Lucy was heartbroken. Clearly, it was going to take time to get over this moment.

In time. She became better. Talking it through with Angela made her feel better.

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