Chapter 1 ~ acts of kindness ~

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Anurak opened his eyes when he heard the beeping noises alerting him to the fact that they had reached Thailand and he needed to fasten his seat belt in preparation for landing. It had been a long flight but he was finally home again after two months overseas.

He was looking forward to getting back to his condo' and just taking some time to breathe then catching up with all his friends, maybe they would go to dinner or a club, he didn't care.

He worked as a freelance business development manager and even though it could often be tedious work, he got to meet people from all over the world. This time he had been working in America and it had been an interesting experience but he was so glad to be back home.

He was usually hired because of his excellent communication and negotiation skills and his fluency in English which helped when he was trying to secure new clients not to mention his tech' skills, analytical and problem solving skills.

He had a pleasant demeanor and an infectious smile and he always managed to put people at ease which came in useful in his line of work. 

 At 24 years old he wasn't exactly wealthy but he was comfortable so he didn't have to worry about how he was going to pay the utility bills every month or how to scrape enough money together to get his car back on the road if it broke down, he'd been there and he never wanted to have to live like that again.

It hadn't been easy paying himself through college and starting up his own business but he had a good head on his shoulders and the only way was up.

He fastened his seat belt then looked around as everyone stuffed their belongings into the overhead compartments and rushed back from the toilet to take their seats ready for landing.

"oh crikey, what's wrong with this ..." a soft voice spoke beside him.

Anurak turned his head to look at the elderly passenger who was sitting beside him, she seemed to be having trouble with her seat belt.

"would you like me to do it for you ma'am?" Anurak said then gave her a beaming smile.

"thank you dear, that's so kind of you" she replied

Anurak twisted in his seat then he reached down and took each end of the buckle and clicked them together before pulling the strap to tighten it.

"is that ok, it's not too tight?" he asked her.

"that's fine dear, thank you" she smiled back.

"good, I'm glad I could help.

"are you going to Thailand on holiday?" the lady asked him.

"no, I'm going home, I've been working away for a few months so I'm looking forward to landing" Anurak replied.

"lovely, I've been staying with an old friend who moved to the states years ago but I'll be glad to get home myself ... my grandson is meeting me at the airport, he's such a good boy"

"that's nice" Anurak smiled again.

"we've been sitting together all this time but I'm only just speaking to you now ... I didn't want to disturb you, you looked so tired" she added.

"mmm, I've been working long hours, the first thing I will do is have a hot shower and go to bed" Anurak replied.

"yes, you should, will your family be meeting you?"

"unfortunately not ma'am" 

"oh, maybe my grandson can drive you home" the old lady said.

"thank you for offering but I have my own car in the long stay car park" Anurak replied.

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