Chapter 15 ~ discoveries ~

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On Friday morning Anurak woke up to an empty bed, in lieu of his gym apparatus, Niran had taken to jogging around the grounds every morning. It was no wonder he had such an amazing physique, he worked so hard at maintaining it.

He decided to get up and make coffee for when Niran got back from his run so he climbed out of bed and quickly washed up before heading into the kitchen.

After turning on the coffee machine he went out onto his balcony to watch Niran running and doing his stretches and smiled when he saw him approaching from around the corner of the property.

He was just about to call out and wave when he saw one of the security guards walking up to Niran and Anurak was afraid that he was going to get into trouble for jogging around the grounds.

"good morning young master" the guard said.

'young master?' Anurak frowned and backed up a little bit so he could eavesdrop without being seen.

"good morning how are you today?" Niran said to the guard.

"I'm good sir, it's a lovely morning for a run?" the guard added.

"it is yes, by the way I should inform you that there is some gym equipment being delivered later today, can you put it in the suite next to Mr Apattachin's"

"very good sir, how much longer do the boys and I need to ..." the guard began.

"I intend to inform him at the weekend, he's really busy right now so ..."

Anurak gasped and quickly covered his mouth before retreating back into the kitchen, he needed to get out of here quickly so he could think about what he'd just overheard.

"did you hear something sir? I thought I heard a ... maybe it was nothing" the guard interrupted him when he thought he'd heard a noise.

"ok, see you later" Niran said to the guard.

"yes, have a good day young master" he replied.

Meanwhile, Anurak rushed into his bedroom to get dressed and then he grabbed his bag and laptop and grabbed the title deeds for the suite as an afterthought then shoved them into his bag before walking to the door.

Niran was just coming in as he was going out,

"good morning angel"

"oh hi Niran, I have to go in early, I had a call from one of my team members but I made you coffee"

"thank you baby, so I'll see you tonight yes?" Niran asked him, he was acting strange, almost nervous.

"of course you will but I really need to go" Rak said.

"ok, give me a kiss first" Niran said

Anurak leaned over and allowed Niran to capture his lips in a deep and passionate kiss and his heart was beating like crazy, he just wanted to get away from here to think. 

As soon as he could without it looking weird, he pulled away and pasted the best smile on his face that he could manage.

"ok, see you later" he said.

"see you later angel, have a good day" Niran replied.

"you too"

Anurak rushed down to his car and drove out of the gates in record time, this was all he needed today, he had an important meeting before lunchtime and then they were all going out to lunch again, this time with Andy and Kan's friends Ian and Jonno'

He drove to the offices of KJ Advertising and went inside the building then made his way to the small office he had been using then he sat down and pulled the title deeds from his bag and looked at them again, now to find the owner's name? ... 

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