Chapter 16 ~ revelations ~

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It was Saturday morning and Anurak didn't know what to do, he didn't know whether to act ignorant or confront Niran, he still couldn't get his head around it all. This beautiful house was actually his family home and the guy had actually sold him, well given him a suite of rooms in his own house.

All he would have had to pay were the legal fees and transfer the purchase price from his personal bank account or another bank account to the account of Rankhorn Developments, it was a win win all round for him. 

The legal fees were nothing compared to what the purchase price of an apartment would have been and he'd managed to get Anurak living in his home where he had wanted him to begin with, it was fortunate that the old lady had been travelling or there was no way he would have been able to pull it off.

When he got home from work late on Friday afternoon he had been in high spirits and feeling confident after his new friends had helped him to put everything into perspective but now he was alone he was feeling confused again.

He couldn't even call Stu' because he didn't want to hear 'I told you so' but then again, Niran hadn't actually done anything corrupt or illegal but what he had done was just so sneaky and manipulative.

Over lunch, Kan had told him about how his husband, Andy's fiancé Lon, Phikhuam and another guy had followed him and his friends to a nightclub to spy on them, he said he had been ready to throw in the towel on their marriage that night but that he had given Kiri one last chance and since then he had calmed down ... a bit anyway.

Is that the kind of life he would have to look forward to if he stayed here in this house with Niran, being controlled and manipulated with Niran keeping secrets from him and making him look like a fool in front of his people?

What about when his grandmother came back, what the hell was she going to think about everything? Looking at it from her point of view she would come home to discover that her grandson had given away a whole suite of rooms from her families estate to a stranger.

Even when Niran came clean he wasn't sure that he would be able to stay here. He couldn't believe he had been planning to give himself to Niran, body and soul, he felt so foolish, so betrayed.

He heard the door to the suite open then Niran came in from his morning run and walked across to Anurak who was working on his laptop.

"hey angel"

"hi Niran, did you enjoy your run?"

"I did yes, I'll just grab a shower and change then I thought we could talk" Niran said.

"yes, we do need to talk, ok I'll make a drink, tea or coffee?" Anurak asked.

"tea sounds great baby" Niran said then began walking towards the bedroom to shower.

Anurak had made his mind up how he was going to proceed, he was too angry to be forgiving like Kan, he didn't want to go back to his old apartment, the estate agents had his keys anyway and he certainly didn't want to tell Stu' so he'd decided to speak his mind to Niran before going to a hotel.

He went into the kitchen and made a pot of green tea and brought it back out to the lounge and set it on the dining table and then he waited.

About twenty minutes later, Niran came into the room looking refreshed, he had dressed in a white shirt and light blue jeans, his look was casual but smart.

He sat at the table opposite Anurak who poured them both some tea and while he worked he felt Niran's eyes on him, a soft smile playing on his lips.

"so, you said you wanted to talk" Anurak began.

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