Chapter 18 ~ burying the hatchet ~

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Lunch was a casual affair and one where Stu' was surprised to discover that Niran was down to earth and not as much of an asshole as he'd originally thought he was, Niran was also interested to learn more about Anurak's best friend so he leaned back in his chair and listened as Stu' told them both about his recent split.

"it is what it is" he added after explaining.

"how did you find out?" Anurak asked him.

"I overheard her one day talking to her dad and he was asking her if she'd had chance to put a good word in for him with my dad yet and she replied that it was difficult because my dad wasn't always at home when she came over and it wasn't really a subject she could bring up just like that"

"I'm sorry bro' are you sure she wasn't sincere and just wanted to put a good word in?" Rak said.

"I thought that at first until I went to pick her up from work one day and she didn't see me, she was chatting to a friend who had asked her to go to a club and she replied she couldn't because, and I quote 'I have to spend the evening with him'

her friend asked her why she was seeing me if she didn't like me and she replied 'because my dad wants a promotion and as soon as he gets one I'm calling it quits'

so that was it as far as I was concerned and I called it quits first and my parting shot was that I would make sure her dad never got a promotion, at least not while he was working in my dad's precinct"

"at least you found out before you got in too deep" Niran said getting up to make coffee and Stu' shrugged in response.

"so are you guys really ok?" Stu' asked Anurak when they were alone.

"we have our moments, doesn't every couple? but yeah, we're ok bro' we'll get there ... anyway guess what, I've been working at one of Kiri Junphanatat's companies and I even met him and his husband"

"yeah, what's he like? Stu' asked.

"he's very intimidating but he seems like a nice guy and his husband Kan, he's awesome man, I went to lunch with him and his friends, they're all from the UK and they are so much fun to be around in fact you should come with me sometime and we'll all go out together" Anurak said.

"I doubt I would have anything in common with them Rak" Stu' said.

"you're joking right? Kan works as his husbands personal assistant pretty much doing what he used to do in the UK, apparently his parents have a bed & breakfast and his dad is a Thai' engineering professor, Andy is an animator, Ian is a nurse and Jonno' is a warehouse manager, you can't get more down to earth than that Stu" Anurak said.

"ok, yeah I'm in, they sound like a nice bunch" Stu replied.

"they are but be warned, Kan and Andy are crazy about football and Andy and Ian are crazy about Thai BL dramas hehehe"

"what, are they like fan boys?" Stu' asked incredulously.

"well I guess you could say that and the guy called Ian is engaged to his long time bias"

Niran returned with three mugs of steaming coffee and placed them on the dining table before addressing Stu'

"so, are we good now then?"

"I guess so, just make sure you treat him right" Stu' replied and Niran looked across at Anurak smiling then took his hand before turning back to Stu'

"when you arrived, you mentioned something about my security guard Jan, did he say or do anything to offend you?" Niran asked.

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