Chapter 8 ~ from the heart ~

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Niran couldn't resist slapping Anurak lightly on his rump after he had finished applying the cream before standing up to take the first aid box away.

"that's it, you're all done" he added as he tore himself away from the beautiful specimen who laid on his bed.

"thanks, is it really bad?" Anurak asked him, oblivious to the Niran's thoughts.

"well, it's going to bruise that's for sure" Niran replied.

"maybe we should cancel the cookery class until tomorrow?" Anurak said.

"of course and you should rest, are you staying in here?" Niran asked.

"I don't understand?"

"well I was going to make you a cup of tea so I wondered whether to bring it in here or if you're coming out?"

"I'll come out, it's your room after all" Anurak reminded him.

"I don't mind if you want to rest on my bed angel, it's no big deal" Niran said.

"thank you but I should be ok, it only hurts when I stretch or lean against anything"

"ok, I'll go and make a drink then" Niran said before leaving the room.

Anurak climbed off the bed while holding his pants up then fastened them back up and put his sweater back on before going through to the main part of the loft.

"are you ok?" Niran asked when he saw him.

"mmm I'm fine, thanks again"

"so what do you want for dinner?" Niran asked.

"whatever you want, I'll eat anything" Anurak still felt awkward about being here even though he was trying to make the best of it.

"then I'll order from one of my favorite Japanese places, I think you'll enjoy it" Niran said.

"I love Japanese food, I worked in Japan a couple of years ago and it was amazing, I made some good friends" Anurak said.

"your job certainly takes you to some interesting places angel but tell me, what would you do if you were in a serious relationship?" Niran asked him.

"how do you mean?"

"well surely you wouldn't want to leave your partner for long periods of time?" Niran said.

"I never really thought about it to be honest" Rak replied honestly.

"would you take your partner with you if they could travel? theoretically speaking of course"

"theoretically speaking, I guess I'd be ok with that but when I'm working I kind of shut myself away for hours on end, sometimes through the night, I'm not sure anyone would put up with that? and sometimes when I have to head a team we all have to work long hours because usually we have deadlines to meet"

"and you enjoy your work?" Niran asked.

"overall yes but it can be a high stress job especially when I have to negotiate with clients, that's why I was sleeping for most of the flight back from America and why I was sleeping when you and your cronies broke into my apartment, I had been working non stop for two months" Anurak replied a little bitterly.

Niran wondered if they would ever be able to overcome what had happened? the thought of having to let Anurak go and continue living his life as if they had never met didn't sit comfortably with him.

He felt as if he had been waiting all his adult life to meet someone like Anurak and in just a few short hours he had ruined any chances that they might have had of having a committed relationship.

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