Kindergarten Ed (Part 1)

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[The episode opens in Katie's bedroom. It is morning, and the Webster kids are waking up.]

Katie: [sighing sleepily]

Kylie: [Awake] Today is Katie's first day of kindergarten.

(The five Eds walk in)

Eddy: [walks in] Oh, morning, toots.

Kylie: Morning, Eddy, morning guys.

Edna: [humming] Uh, Katie, wake up.

Katie: [groans]

Edna: Morning, Katie.

Katie: Morning, Sis. Morning, Guys.

Ed: Morning.

Katie: I had a dream that it was my first day of kindergarten.

Kylie: [laughs] Katie, it came true.

Katie: Huh?

Kylie: Today you're going to kindergarten, it's your first day.

Katie: It's my first day? It's my first day! [singing] It's my first day, It's my first day.

Kylie: Yes, yes. [clears throat] While you're at school, I'm gonna leave. And you're gonna stay.

Katie: Mm-hmm. I know.

Kylie: I'll come back, always.

Double D: True, true.

Katie: I know. [sings again] It's my first day, It's my first day, It's my first day!

Edna: [laughs] She's excited for her big day.

Kylie: Yeah.

[The scene cuts to the schoolhouse. Five of the Eds goes to their Junior High while Katie goes to Kindergarten.]

Kylie: Oh, bye, guys.

Katie: Oh, uh, bye, guys.

Ed: Bye.

Kylie: Wow, the classroom looks pretty.

???: [a random child runs by] Savannah, coming through.

Katie: Savannah?

Teacher: Interesting, huh?

Kylie: Hi.

Teacher: Welcome. I'm Katie's new teacher, Annie.

Kylie: Oh, uh, I'm Kylie, I'm Katie's older sister.

Katie: I'm Katie...the girl.

Annie: Hi, Katie! That name is pretty.

Katie: Thank you. My mommy wanted a name similar to my big sister's.

Annie: Katie, let's take a little tour of the classroom.

Katie: Uh?

[Annie starts showing Kylie and Katie around the kindergarten classroom. The first stop is the sand table, where a kid named Rusty is building a bridge.]

Annie: This is the sand table. Oh, hi, Harry. Nice bridge.

Harry: Thanks, Teach.

Katie: Oh, Sis, look! [points] A Dress-up corner. Wow! Dressing up is one of a Webster Sister's favorite things to do! [laughing] Kylie, look. Art.

Kylie: [laughing]

Katie: Art! I love art!

Kylie: Yeah I know, me too.

Annie: This is our Art area. We got Markers, paper, and paint. Ohh, would you like to draw?

Katie: Yes please! (She adorably smiles knowing she loves to draw)

Annie: Would you like to draw Ms. Kylie?

Kylie: Oh, um--ooh, Imma read. (She picks up a book) you can draw, Katie.

Annie: Oh, okay.

Katie: Mkay! I'll draw. (She starts drawing something) Hm, hmm, hmm. (She notices the girl earlier, Savannah drawing next to her, Savannah is drawing a chicken, Katie walks to her) Hm?

Savannah: Hi.

Katie: Hi.

Savannah: I drew a chicken. Bawk, bawk, bawk! [she and Katie both laugh]

Katie: I know. I love chickens, I love animals all together. My sister's best friend, Ed is a chicken expert.

Savannah: Really?

Katie: Mm-hmm.

Savannah: My name is Savannah. Uh, what's your name?

Katie: Oh, Katie.

Savannah: Katie...Don't move.

Katie: Huh? What? Oh, okay. I won't move. [She exhales]

Savannah: [humming as she starts drawing a picture of Katie] Ah. [she keeps humming]

Katie: [breathes a bit]

Savannah: [humming, still drawing then laughs as she finishes and she brings Katie to show her picture]

Katie: Huh? Oh!

Savannah: Katie--Katie!

Katie: (blushes) Oh, my. Kylie, Kylie, look, look--it's me. K-Kylie?

Kylie: I'm here, lemme see. [She looks at the picture of Katie that Savannah drew]

Savannah: You wanna play with me at the Sand table?

Katie: Oh, hm? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Savannah: Yay! Savannah coming through! [Runs to the sand table off screen]

Katie: Katie coming through. [humming, follows Savannah, laughs as she race walks] Coming through.

To Be Continued

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