Honor Thy Ed (My Version) Part 1

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[We are looking at a field of dandelions. Slowly, a cactus rises up out of them. We then see that the cactus is balanced on Ed's head. Ed looks across the field, and the camera follows his line of sight. In the middle of the dandelion field is an old, creepy house. Ed grabs some dandelions and runs away.]

Ed: "I found some grass, Eddy!"

Eddy: [grating something carrotlike] "Whoop-de-do, Ed." [He tosses the carrot away, where it lands next to a couple boxes of crayons.] "Cheese, grated and waiting! Ready to roll, Double D?" [Eddy is apparently grating crayons to make fake cheese.]

Double D: [folding a paper plate] "Don't rush me, Eddy." [sarcastic] "There's an art to folding tacos from paper plates."

Ed: "¡Olé!" [He places the dandelions in the freshly-folded plate.]

Double D: "Everyone's a critic."

Eddy: "Art, schmart. Everyone will buy our tacos! It's a cinch!" [We get a view of the full tack stand. It is called "Taco Ed's Mexican Kwseen."]

Double D: "Grass, paper plates, and crayon for cheese a taco does not make, Eddy."

Ed: "Cheddar!" [He begins guzzling the fake cheese.]

Double D: "For goodness sake, Ed! Did that really taste like cheese?"

Ed: "It's orange like cheese."

Double D: "Really. So if what you're saying is true,–" [he picks out a blue crayon] "–this blue crayon must be a blueberry pie."
[Ed eats the crayon in one bite.]

Ed: "Tart yet crusty."

Eddy: "You guys quit fooling around!" [pulling out a giant bottle] "I've still got to add my brother's secret–"

Double D: "Banana." [He holds up a yellow crayon.] "Yellow is for banana. You are a banana!" [He takes a bite and almost immediately spits it out. Eddy holds in his laughter as he watches Edd.] "Water! Water! Don't just stand there!" [He grabs the bottle of hot sauce and chug-a-lugs.]

Eddy: "But–" [Edd finishes chugging the sauce, and Eddy grabs the bottle back before pouring it on the fake tacos.] "That's the first time I've seen someone guzzle my brother's Armenian secret hot sauce!"

Double D: "It certainly rid me of that horrible non-toxic waxy aftertaste."

Ed: [eating a taco drenched in sauce] "My mom says not to pick my belly button."

Eddy: "I don't believe it. It's not working! This sauce is supposed to be a real gut-burner!" [He takes a lick.]
[Eddy looks over at Edd. Edd turns red and steam billows from his ears and hat. Eddy then looks over to Ed, whose head now resembles a burnt out match.]

Ed: "Hi, Eddy!"

[We now see Eddy's reaction. He, like Edd, has turned red. However, his three hairs now resemble three fuses, burning down to his head. The stand explodes in flames.]

[The Eds each glom down on a sprinkler. The sprinkler slams the boys back and forth repeatedly as it washes their mouths free of the spicy aftertaste.]

Jimmy: ''[off-screen]'' "Aiieee!"

Double D: ''[concerned]'' "Oh, dear. A shriek of terror!"

Ed: ''[oblivious as usual]'' "Dad's home!"

[The kids, along with Katie minus Kylie, Nat and Edna are gathered around the dandelion house. Jimmy is slumped; it seems he has fainted and is just coming to.]

Kevin: "What's up with Fluffy?"

Jimmy: [pointing at an open window] "There! In the window! A dark figure cast a shadow! Its body contorted with a hideous hairdo! Hold me!" [Jimmy hugs Sarah for comfort.]

Ed, Edd n Eddy (My Version/Headcanon)Where stories live. Discover now