Growing up

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We sit at the table and eat steak, green beans, corn, and drink.

Kade got a kid's plate with Sprite.

"Where are you staying Richie?" Faith asks.

"I got a hotel room. I only plan to stay a couple of days. I want to spend time with everyone before I go back."

Everyone becomes quiet.

"I thought you were going to come back... Like back, back." Seth clarifies.

"Oh.. I am. You know, maybe in about six months. That depends on if I don't travel. Then it may be another three years."

My heart sinks.

I know that Richie has a job doing what he's doing, but he can be just as successful here. Tons of people will want him for a model.

But I recollect my emotions. I don't want to spend the time that we have sad.

"You can come stay with me." I tell Richie who smiles.

"Thanks! But I don't want to be an inconvenience. I have a really nice hotel room and--"

"Richie. You wouldn't be an inconvenience. I swear."

He stares at me for a moment, as if thinking about all the things that could go wrong....

Or maybe he's thinking about all the things that could go right, if he came home with me.

"If I could give you some advice, I'd leave with me tonight." I smirk.

"Alright, Dove Cameron." Richie laughs.

"Oh come on, when could I really use that line without sounding like a creep?" I laugh.

"Never! It only sounds right in the song." Richie takes a bite of his food.

"You can come stay with-" Seth starts but Cory covers his mouth with his hand.

"No... No he cannot. I love you Richie but we don't need to confuse Kade. He already has two dads' and I don't need him thinking he got a third."

Richie throws his head back.

"I can see that. Seth can be a real flirt."

"Hey!" Seth snaps.

"Oh God... It's so true. These two were inseparable when we were teenagers. I was starting to feel like the third wheel." Faith chuckles.

"You were..." Seth smirks, causing faith to flip Seth off.

Richie laughs.

"Uh.... Like old times." He places his fist underneath his chin.

He picks up his wine and rotates it around in his glass before taking a sip.

"You.." his eyes scan up to mine and I tense.

"What do you plan on doing now that you've graduated from college?"

"I'm going to open up my own vape shop. I thought it would be cool to own one instead of just working at one. Be my own boss."

"Yeah, you've never liked it when people told you what to do." He replies. "And you've never liked communication or touch.."

"Things have changed." I shrug. "I like touch and I like talking to you guys."

I see the smirk playing on Richie's lips.

"Do you remember when you told Faith, Seth, and I that you hated us. God, it felt like my heart broke into a billion pieces." Richie chuckles..

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