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Jared's POV.

I stand in the mirror and look my body over. As I said, I have teeth and love marks plastered all over my body.

I throw on my shirt and walk into the living room where Richie is sitting on the couch.

I walk over to him and throw out my hand: pulling him up off the couch.

"Where are we going?" He asks me.

"When I was going through the motions with my Dad I saw a therapist and she helped me. I think that she can help you too."

Richie pauses..

"I don't think that-"

"Richie, do you love me? Do you want me, do you want to be with me? Do you want to get better."

"Yes." He replies.

"Then at least give it a try." I encourage him with a soft smile.

He slowly nods his head.

Richie's POV.

I sit in an office, sitting in front of a woman that I'm supposed to open up and talk too.

"Richie." She says in a soothing voice. "My name is Mrs. Crane."

I stare at her for a moment.

She looks like she's in her mid-thirties. She has red shoulder length hair and green eyes. Freckles splashes across the bridge of her nose.

She sports a kind smile and there's a auroma around her that makes me want to trust her....

But then again, there's not too many people that I don't trust. Maybe that's why I keep getting hurt.

"Can you tell me about.. yourself?" She asks me.

I swallow. How do I answer this question?

"I'm a nice guy." I squeeze my fingers into the palm of my hand. "But... I keep trying to leave the people who care about me."

Mrs. Crane nods her head.

"Why do you think this is?" She asks.

I think about it for a moment.

"I don't know."

"Do you remember when you started to feel like you needed to run away from people? Can you remember the first person that you ran away from?" Mrs. Crane asks.

I stare down at my fingers.

"I guess it all started when..."


I walk around the corner with a smirk on my face.

The cigarette smoke floods the environment.

I pause when my phone rings.


"Where are you? Did you leave the house like that? Bruh....send me your location so that I can--"

"Why can't you just jump on the leather pants train, Seth? I'm wearing chains too." I tell him.

"You're going to stick out like a sore thumb!" Seth tells me.

The irritation in his voice tells me I'm going to be in so much trouble when he sees me.

"Just wait until I catch you Richie.. just wait until I get my hands on y-"

"Alright great! Loves you babes." I hang up the phone.

I walk further into the club looking for trouble.

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now