Come prepared

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Seth, Faith, and I sit at a table.

We've ordered food from the concession stand and I honestly feel like we've traveled back in time to when we were teenagers.

"And so, that was my whole college experience. I never thought that I would cry so much." Faith chuckles.

"I'm proud of you, Faith! I'm glad you're back home!" I tell her.

"You're one to talk, Mr. 'I ran off to Japan for four years.' I'm glad you're home!" Faith tells me.

"Thanks. I'm glad to be home; even if I'm not sure if I'll stick around. I've been thinking about it, but I'm on the fence. Things have been different.. I think I've closed a lot of chapters that I may have neglected before." I tell Faith..

But there is one chapter that I don't feel like I've closed...and that's the chapter between Cory, Seth, and I.

I officially broke up with Seth, I know, but the way Seth and I were... the hurt, the emotional rollercoaster ride that I put him through...

I just don't know how to open that conversation..

I also need to apologize to Cory. I'd been sleeping with Seth up until he and Cory got married. Though, Cory knew this, it still wasn't okay and I know this.

The only person that I haven't hurt is Faith.

I pick up my drink and take a sip, causing that bubbly sound to pull from the straw.

"I wish you would stay, Richie. Things aren't the same without you. And you're going to miss Kade growing up. I don't think Cory and I plan to have anymore kids as the process is expensive and Kade is a handful. I don't want you to be that friend that I talk about constantly and Kade has no idea who you are." Seth tells me.

"I don't want to miss him growing up either..I just- you know me. Selfish." I chuckle but it comes out forced..

I've always said this: that I'm selfish and it's true. People have given their time and dedication to me. When will I give that same time and dedication back.

"You still have time to think about it." Seth tells me.

I nod my head.

Yeah... I do.

We wrap up the night after a little while and Faith tells us she's about to go because she has work tomorrow. Seth and I hug her goodbye and soon, I find that it's just me and Seth.

We walk out to the parking lot and Seth goes to hug me but I stop him. He stares at me.

"Can we talk?" I ask him.

He nods.

We walk to his car and I get into the passenger seat. I stare out of the windshield trying to collect my thoughts.

How do I begin this?

"When we fucked, it was not supposed to hurt you.." I begin.

Seth snaps his head over at me. "It didn't."

"I love you and maybe I put my burden on you a little too much. It wasn't fair for me to run to you everytime my life fell apart and then rename you when it got better."

"Rename-" Seth repeats.

"I should have just left you as my best friend instead of dragging you through this emotional rollercoaster, breaking your heart each time."

I stare out into the darkness. I feel numb.. I wish that I didn't have to talk about this. I wish that Seth and I could keep sweeping it underneath the rug.

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now