I like it a lot.

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We sit in the living room. Seth changed into some clothes and Jared and I talked to Cory until he came back.

"So, you two...." Cory says. "Do y'all have any plans for today?"

I look over to Jared to see him shrug.

"I was thinking about going to the beach." I tell them.

Seth snorts.

"Do you have a leather swim suit? Are you going to look like you just popped out of a coffin and needed a quick tan?"

I flip him off.

"No. I have regular clothes, you dick."

"He really doesn't." Jared laughs.

He and Seth laugh together and I roll my eyes, waiting for them to catch their breaths. If they agreed on one thing, it's that I needed to put on some clothes...

Which is funny, since they were the main ones wanting them off so badly. They catch their breaths and everything becomes quiet.

"I'm going to the beach without y'all." I stand up.

"No, no!"

They sing a different tune now.

Jared's POV.

I lay the blanket on the sand. Fuck me it's hot.

Cory and Seth walk up on the beach, holding Kade's hand. The little guy looks excited.

He spots me and runs over to me. I pick him up.

"Build a swand castle with me, Uncle J?" Kade says, mispronouncing the word sand.

"I sure will." I smile.

"Where's Richie?" Cory asks.

"Oh....he went to Walmart to find a normal bathing suit." I snicker. "I offered to go with him, but he said he needed a break from me."

Whatever that's supposed to mean. He had four years...

Cory pulls out the towels from the bag and begins to lay them on the sand as Seth starts to put sunscreen on Kade and put him in these huge ass arm floaties.

"Can he breathe?" I stare down at the kid.

"He won't be able to if he drowns." Seth tells me.

"Touché." I reply.

"Uncle Richie!" Kade stands up and runs over to Richie.

I stare at Richie.

He's wearing a pair of red swim shorts. He runs his fingers through his hair and I feel like I'm watching a commercial with an actor on the beach.

He puts Kade down and walks over to us.

"Okay! What are we doing first?" He places his hands on his hips.

"You and I are going in the water." Seth grabs Richie's arm.

"And Cory and Jared are going to watch Kade."

I squat down in the sand and start to help Kade with the sand. I watch as Cory kisses Seth before he grabs Richie and they run off towards the water.

I put sand in the sand bucket with the little shovel that's too small for me to be using as a grown ass man, but Kade is happy.

"So, handcuffs." I hear Cory say.

I snap my head up.

"How did you-"

"Richie tells me things." Cory smirks.

I'm going to kill him.  I let out a sigh and dust the sand off my hands. "Yeah... It's not like you weren't running from a whip today."

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now