Shut up

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Jared sits me down and I look over to my parents.

"Mom, Jared... Do you think that you guys can get along? You've been fighting for so long."

Mom glares at Jared..

"Babe, I think the sun would burst to flames and the moon would attend it's funeral before your mom and I got along."

"But....I can tolerate her if I can bring holy water to the celebrations." Jared tells me.

Mom agrees.

"The fact that he's already wiggled his way into your life as your boyfriend makes me want to tie him up and throw him onto the train tracks, but if it means anything at all: I won't do it." Mom tells me.

This is the best it's going to get and I know it.

"Alright then!" I smile. "Well.... What do you guys want to do now?" I ask them.

Mom stares at me for a moment..

"What is it that you wanted to do as a kid, Richie, that your father and I would usually say no about?"

I think for a moment.

"Mom? Dad? Can you take me to the movies! Please.. please! Just one movie I'll-"

I cleared my throat..


That was a pushed back in time moment.

"Yes Richie. We'll take you and your pet to the movies." Mom smiles.

"Let's watch a horror movies so I can get some ideas..." Jared stares at mom.

Dad and I shake our heads as we watch the two.


"What do you want to snack on Richie?" Mom and I stand at the counter.

I'm surprised she hasn't asked me to put any clothes on. This doesn't feel real. My Mom and I standing at this counter, at the movie theater, like normal people.

"Oo- popcorn, a coke, sour Skittles!" I tell her.

"And for that thing you call a boyfriend?" Mom asks.


"I'm teasing." She pats me on the head..

I get Jared the same thing.

"Richie!" Someone calls.

I look over to a guy who trips, but he scrambles to his feet and races over to me.

"Oh my God! It's you! I have all your photos! What are you doing here? I didn't think you would be at a place like this. Sorry! My name is Lukas." The guy tells me.

"I'm here with my mom." I smile at him.

The guy looks over to mom.

"The Queen!" He says, causing Mom to flinch. "Thank you ma'am, for giving birth to this God!"

"Humph... you're welcome..." Mom says awkwardly.

"Do you want an autograph Lukas?" I ask him.

"Yes please! Can I get a signature kiss too?" Lukas stares up at me.

"Oh dear Lord... Richie, what is a signature kiss? Is that something that I'm going to have to spray..." Mom narrows her eyes at me.

I tense.

Mom used to use a spray bottle like I was a cat when I was little. Instead of using harsh punishments like spankings she would just spray me.

"No.. it's a kiss on the cheek." I say as I sign the guy's popcorn box.

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now