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I lay on the couch as Cory sits on the floor.

"I'm telling you man... He's wearing me out. Like, I went to the fridge, looked up, and he jumped on top of me.... From the fridge. How did he even get up there." I sob into my hands.

"It's okay man... Let it out." Corey pulls himself up beside me and rubs my back.

I take a deep breath.

"I'm fine..."


I fall off the couch.

"No, please God he's here!!!" I curl into a ball on the floor.

Corey stares at me and pulls out his phone. I sit up and clear my throat.


"Oh hey babe.... Yeah.. he's here. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Okay, love you too. Bye."

Corey hangs up the phone.

"That was Seth. He told me to tell you that Richie said to pick up more whipped cream on your way home." His lips pull into a smirk as he stares down at me.

I whimper.

"It's not that I don't like having sex with Richie...I love it. But where does he get all of his energy?"

"Bruh. Richie is used to sleeping with-"

"Don't say it!"

"Multiple people..."


"All the time...."

I fall face forward on the floor.

"Sorry man." Corey tells me. "That's how it was with Seth. He wasn't as bad but we had this problem where he would fuck all the time and then he would withdrawal."

"He was on Richie's schedule. He would be super energetic and then he would stop letting me touch him because when Richie stopped touching him he would just... Stop having sex until Richie came back."

I stare at Corey.

"So I had to get him off of that cycle."

I wonder if I can do that with Richie....

"Can I do that with Richie?" I voice my thoughts aloud.

"You'll just have to say the magic word." Corey tells me.

"Which is?" I ask.

"No..." Corey stares at me.

I honestly forgot that word existed.

"But- I can't. Richie will be leaving soon." I tell him.

"Yes. But he'll be back. And besides, you're scared of a buzzing sound. You have to tell Richie that you're not used to all this. If you don't, you'll be sitting there too scared to have sex at all."

"I'm not scared..." I fold my arms.


"Where?" I look over my shoulder.

I slouch when I hear Corey laughing.

I flip him off.


I walk through my front door. Richie has pretty much been staying with me and I love it.

I wish he would stay forever..

It's dark as shit in here.

I flip on the light and walk to the fridge and pull out a beer. I pop the top and pull the beer's head to my lips.

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now