I know

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"You can't really not talk to me Richie." Jared says as I get out of the car.

"I don't even know why I let you bring me to Seth's house." I grunt. "That was embarrassing! You should have never handcuffed me.

I cross my arms over my chest.

Jared walks over to me. "I'm sorry that I did that... But I'm not. It was nice waking up to you; even if you did thump me." He smiles.

I can't really stay mad at him; seeing that I did call him another guy's name. I guess if he can forgive me for that, I'll forgive him for this morning.

It was pretty cool that the firemen asked me to come down to the fire station to take pictures for their next calendar release.

I don't like how I had to be on every month, and that some of the firefighters pre-ordered the calendars... And that I worked for free, but they save lives.

Who can argue with that.

They saved my bladder anyways.

We walk into Seth's house. I don't knock because I've never done it before. I see Cory running out of the bedroom in a pair of thongs...

Jared and I stand there awkwardly.

"Get back here.. I bought this whip for a reason!" Seth walks out wearing his boxers.

"Stay away from me..." Cory whimpers.

He backs up until he crashes into Jared. I'm not going to lie when Cory turns around, my eyes goes straight to his package.... I've seen it before and its impre-

I snap my head to the side when Jared glares at me.

I dont know why he's upset.. his is impressive too.

"Oh my fuckin... Turn around! Both of you for God's sake, turn around!" Cory pleads.

Jared and I turn around.

"So... What are you two doing?" I ask nonchalantly.

Seth is the one to answer my question as he's not embarrassed because it's me..

"Well, my mom is keeping Kade and Cory and I decided to spend some time together but he's being a bitch..."

"Then let me use the whip on you!" Cory argues.

"No- you already used the whip cream.." Seth replies.

Jared looks over at me.

"Should we go?" He asks.

"No. I've actually done the whip cream before and it's actually really fun. I've also done the whip and oh my God, Cory... You're missing out."

"Please stop talking.." Jared tells me.

I shrug.


"You know I love it when you come over babez, but why are you here?" Seth asks.

They're both in housecoats now.

It must be a dad thing. I would never put on a housecoat.

"I came to talk to Cory." I tell Seth. "I think it's important that I heal from some of the things that I've done. I can't just keep blaming other people... Because I've done something's too."

Seth nods his head.

"Cory? Will you follow me to the bedroom?"

It feels so awkward asking this...

"Yeah. Come on." He stands up and I follow behind him.

We walk into the bedroom and I close the door. I turn around and lean my back against it, and cross my arms.

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now