Gay Vampire Model

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I stare at my parents from across the table. They told me to meet them at this restaurant that's far too fancy for this type of conversation.

I know my mom is preventing me from making a scene. I told her over the phone that I wanted to talk to them both about how I'm feeling....

Nice Mom.

Let's make sure we have an audience so I can trip over my own words, trying to word them correctly so I'll think carefully about embarrassing you.

They're all watching.. but they're not.

We order our food and wine.

"Richie..." Mom stares at me. "You clean up nicely."

"Thanks..." I mumble.

"Still, you can't wipe away all your bad doings with make up wipes. What are those? Vampire teeth?" She stares at my mouth.

"If that's what it looks lik-"

"Richie Dominic Benson." Mom scolds.

She always leaves off Kade...


"What?" She stares. "I didn't foresee you growing up doing what you're doing now. Forgive me if I'm shocked..." She stares.

I let out a sigh and grab my wine.

"Hey Dad." I pull the wine up to my lips.

"Hey son." Dad replies.

I scoff.

Dad has always been a man of little words. I don't think he's talked much since I was born. We've never held a real conversation.

"Well, Richie. What do you want to talk about?" Mom asks.

I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to put the words that I want to say in sentences that will come out making sense.

"I don't understand why you guys had a child." I look up at them.

Mom leans back and looks over at dad before looking at me.

"Excuse me-"

"I practically raised mysel-"

"Now you wait just one minute Richard, we did everything...we paid for everything, we put a roof over your head, clothes on your back, and food in your stomach."

I slam my fist down on the table causing mom to jump.

"But you left me there.. you guys ran off and stayed gone all the time and I was alone. I didn't get bedtime stories, cuddles, or even people to talk to until my friends came along."

"For years I was fine with this. I was fine with my friends but gah damn it, they weren't you!"

Mom looks around at the few people who quickly glance our way.

"Richie, sit down you're making a scene!"

I lick my lips and slowly sit down. Mom let's out a breath before she straightens her back, trying to recompose herself.

I see her throat tighten as she closes her eyes.

"Richie... When you have money you have to do everything you can to keep that money. People don't see the hard work that goes behind being rich, you don't see the hard work that goes behind what your father and I did for you."

"But you did nothing..." I pause. "What I'm trying to say is, you didn't do anything useful. I would have wanted to be poor if it meant you loved me."

Mom's face becomes stiff.

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