What have I done?

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"And I started hallucinating and seeing all these spiders around me; because I was so exhausted from lack of sleep, and Yuri had to kill all the none existent spiders." Richie laughs.

I don't.

"I hate to be a buzz kill. It was a really cute story, but I can't even imagine working so much that I fry my brain." I tell him.

Richie rolls over in the bed and places his head on my chest.

"I'm fine." He smiles. "I do sleep... There's just not enough time in the day."

Richie closes his eyes.

I run my fingers through his hair.

"You should be sleeping, Richie..."

"Hu-" his lips part. "y-ye..."

I chuckle, causing his head to bounce on my chest. I keep rubbing my fingers through his hair.

"Mm. Stop, you're... making me.." Richie struggles.

"You should sleep since you never do it baby." I mumble so low that I don't think he heard me.

Even if I spoke louder, he still wouldn't have, seeing his breathing is even. He throws his leg over me and I nearly cry from the pain that my balls just took.

It's okay...

I'm okay.

I let out a breath and pulled Richie closer to me.

"Please... five minutes." Richie mumbles.

I stare down at him.


I chuckle.

"Please...don't.. touch.."

I frown.

"Picture.... I- no please.. I want to breathe."

I stare at Richie.

I shake him.

He opens his eyes.


"You okay?" I ask as his eyes droop.

"Hmm." He pulls himself closer to me.

Maybe I'm reading too much into Richie's sleep talking. Or... Maybe I know how much his job is taking it's toll on him.  But there's nothing that I can do about that either.

Richie loves modeling.. he would sell me to the highest bidder to model if he had to choose.

I just wish he had Seth..

I pause.

Wow! Did I really just think that? But it's true. Seth would have never allowed someone to work Richie that much.

I close my eyes and squeeze Richie closer to me. Cory's voice echoes in my head.

'I just don't want you to think that you can keep Richie here. It has to be his decision.'

I let out a sigh.

I close my eyes.


Richie's POV.

I dress in a tux. I push my curls back and remove the eyeliner from my eyes. My lips tremble as I start to look more like the weak boy that I once was.

I squeeze the wet wipe in my hand as I stare at my reflection. I like the dark guy better. I like the persona that I had created, because he's a lot more confident than Richie....

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now