I'll go anywhere with you

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Jared's POV

"Are you guys ready for this?" Faith screams.

"Yessssss!" We all cheer.


We all walk past her and into the club leaving her with her arms above her head.

Actually, my club days are over. At this point, I could live without the loud music and fist fights.

I've done enough of that as a teenager. But, seeing that Richie has been drowning in work, I think that he deserves a night out.

Speaking of Richie, he's not even here. He went to the hotel room to change and shower after we got his car back from the restaurant and I didn't hear from him again.

Seth is the one who called him and told him to come out with us. I remember the first time I took Richie to the club. Can't believe that that was eight years ago.

We walk inside and I sit down at the bar.

Cory walks over and sits next to me.

"I see you haven't really been working on that drinking problem." He mumbles.

"I don't have a drinking problem, Cory. I'm a grown ass man with bills and an addiction to a guy who's in another country..." I pause.

"Shut up.." I grumble.

"You got it bad." He chuckles and places his hand on my head.

"Got what bad?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.

"The love bug and that guy bit you hard." He chuckles.

I feel my lips curl into a smile.

"Yeah... I don't know. I- guess I just get really happy when I think about him. And-- I feel safe when I'm around him."

Cory nods his head.

"That was like me and Seth." He chuckles.

I stare at him.

"How did you two end up together?" I ask Cory.

"Well, after you ran off..." He begins.


8 years ago.

"Thank you for helping me." Seth tells me.

We finally got Richie to the hospital. They told us that they have to pump his stomach and that we should wait in the waiting room.

We're the only people there.

"Yeah... Of course." I tell him.

He stares at his hands, fumbling with his thumbs.  He mumbles something that I can't hear.

"I'm sorry what-"

"It's my fault." His head pulls up and tears cascade down his cheeks.

"I should have never been that person for Richie.... Maybe if he hadn't of chosen me he wouldn't be on his death bed now."

I frown.

"Now wait a minute... That's not true, Seth. You were what Richie needed at the time and I have a feeling that no matter what happens, he's still going to need you."

Seth runs his hands down his face.

"You're 16 years old... How did you even get yourself mixed up in a love triangle. You should be studying or some shit."

He licks his lips as he sniffles.

"I don't know.." he shrugs. "I just-- really like him."

I laugh.

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