One way or another

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I lay on Jared's couch.

"So, you are staying longer?" Yuki asks over the phone.

Jared walks into the living room and sits down as he ties his shoe.

"Yeah. I have something's to take care of. As you know, I'm not going to be able to give my absolute best at work if I'm not feeling my best." I say through the phone.

I give Jared a strange look as he picks up a bat and taps it against the palm of his hand.

"You're absolutely right. That's what I always tell Rin. She has to take care of herself sometimes before the kids and I."

I raise an eyebrow when Jared walks into the living room wearing a football helmet.

"Mmm. Okay, Yuri. I have to go I think my toy is broken...じゃあね (Jaane)" *goodbye.

"Your Japanese is getting better, Richie. I'll talk to you soon. じゃあね (Jaane)."

I hang up the phone and stare at Jared as he picks up the baseball bat again.

"Your toy huh?" He chuckles.

"Yeah... What are you-"

"I have to be prepared. You said we're going to go see your parents correct? Well.... I'm ready for that old bitch."

"Jared.." I cross my arms. "She's still my mom."

He stares at me for a moment.

"Fine...I'll lose the helmet."

I squint my eyes at him. 

He sighs..

"And the bat..." He groans.

"You don't have to worry about it.. because you're not going. Mrs. Crane says that 'I' have to go see my parents. Not 'we.'"

Jared falls onto me and I wrap my arms around him.

"Are you going to be okay? I can see your mom trying to manipulate you with her money and using your whole name.." he says causing me to laugh.

"Yeah..I'll be okay. But I can assure you I'm not going today... And I probably won't be doing it tomorrow.. or-"


"I'll go." I assure him. "just...not right now."

Jared nods his head.

"It's apart of your healing journey Richie. And you know I'm here... Always."

I let out a sigh.


I put the skates on my feet.

Faith, Seth, and I decided to go out without Jared and Cory. It's a two guys and one girl night.

Faith pulls me up onto my feet, causing my legs to wobble.

"Yay! You did it!" Faith cheers me on.

"You know if I break something, my job is going to be-"

"Shhhh." She places her finger onto my lips. "You'll live. Have fun! Tonight, we're going to skate the night away!"

I love how optimistic Faith is.

She and Seth pulls me out onto the skate floor and of course, I nearly fall, but they hold onto my arms.

I'm not a skater....

But I stand up and try again, causing all three of us to fall to the floor. We laugh, before pulling ourselves back up.

"Okay!" I say determined. "I think I got this!"

The World's Reject (Book two) Where stories live. Discover now