What If

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I hate the words

What if

Not the words themselves

But the words that always come after

Like what if everything turns out okay

Or what if we do make it

What if he does like me back

What if I don't have to worry anymore

What if

What if

What if

Don't get me wrong

Those things are not bad

It's just that

"What if"s create a false sense of hope

A foundation of security made from sand

A path of delusion

Maybe that's why the "what if"s I use

Always end up with the most broken parts of me


What if it all turns out horribly

What if I never amount to anything

What if he doesn't actually love me

What if I never stop worrying

What if

What if

What if

Not that those are much better

But hey

At least I can prepare for the worst

Create my foundation by hitting rock bottom

A path that never hides its ugliness

But my "What if"s consume me

Everyday my mind fights

Between "What if-"

And "What if-"

You're not supposed to build a kingdom

From fear that's practically tangible

And yet here I am

The princess of a nation my family started for me

The nation that only stands because of "What if"s

The "What if"s prepare me for the worst

They taught me to be prepared

To be able to say that

"I know"

So I fight my own mind over who has control

The "What If"s

And the "I know"s

And just like war

The solid line between what's wrong and what's right

Becomes not so solid anymore

The "What if"s turn into "I know"s

And the "I know"s turn into "What if"s

Everything becomes fear again

Tangible fear that runs through my nation's streets

What if the war never ends

What if I fail my nation

What if all he sees is the carnage

What if the fear never goes away

What if

What if

What if

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