Hang On

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I think

Never getting closure,

Is a lot like being sent to voicemail

When you're trying to call someone

And they send you a text that says

"Hang on"

But then they never return the call.

You never told me directly

To "Hang On"

Or even "I'll call you back later"

But neither did you say goodbye

And I was stupid enough to only see

"Hang on"

I saw it in every unspoken word.

Between every texted line

I was told to "Hang on"

I'm still here by the way

Hanging on

Hanging on to every word you ever said

I'm hanging on

Clinging to the little ledge on the edge

Of the issue filled void of trust

I'm hanging on

Ignoring the pain that's not in my arms

But in my heart

And it's not only strain that comes from holding on

It's the burn out that comes 

From fighting the logic my brain throws at it

It's the throbbing chasm of loneliness

That was made by burning every bridge while I obsessed over you

It's the grieving part of me

That I shoved to the side

And stuffed in the corner of my mind

Because I'm still here

Hanging on

I'm still here waiting for you

Checking my phone

To see if I missed your call

When I know I should just leave the phone alone

And find my own closure

Unrelated to your formal goodbye

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