The Story of a Single Coin

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The story of a single coin,

Isn't as simple as you might think.

Let's say this coin was a penny,

Small, and pretty insignificant.

It has the Lincoln on the back.

The grooves on the edges are hardly there.

But this penny traveled the world.

Is it still insignificant?

This penny

Has been on the greatest adventures known to man.

Is it still insignificant?

It's been brought to 5 out of 7 continents.

Is it still insignificant?

It's watched children run, walk, bike by.

Is it still insignificant?

It was considered lucky for years.

Is it still insignificant?

It watched lovers dance in the rain.

Is it still insignificant?

It has scars and scratches from all of its adventures.

Is it still insignificant?

Now let's say this coin was a half dollar.

Shiny and pristine.

Rare for our days.

Special to those who know its value.

But it's sat on a shelf all its life.

Is it significant?

This half dollar,

Sat above a fireplace for years collecting dust.

Is it significant?

It's never had a single adventure.

Is it significant?

It has no backstory.

Is it significant?

It sits still to only look pretty.

Is it significant?

It's perfect.

Is it significant?

You might say no.

But don't you see?

Both coins have stories.

Though the stories are not the same,

they're both significant.

Just in different ways.

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