I shouldn't be frustrated
You're a little girl who can't help but
Say everything on your mind
Talk everyone's ears off
Never leave room for silence
You don't know how to control your thoughts
You're just like me
Or rather the old me
The me,
Who recklessly tossed words around
To portray emotion that couldn't be explained
Even with the millions of words you'd use
I tried hard to bury this version of me
The me who no one listened to
But instead of becoming the message never sent
She went full send.
She morphed into emails of precision
From texts of "lol"
And from the simple read of only "haha"
She wrote letters of meaning and sincerity
You can't appreciate something
When you can't compare it to something you've had
But what I had was an infinite amount of words
With no way to reach anyone
I was you
Trying so hard to communicate what I wanted you to see
But instead of reaching the easily taught
They turned away
Ignoring the jumble of noise I wished would have made sense
I was embarrassed of us
Still am in a sense
I know right now it hurts to know they don't listen.
But Millie,
Don't stop speaking your mind
Because all the words you say
Will one day morph into meaning
People will understand the once wasted words
Your words will be treasured and not overlooked
And you will learn to live alongside them
Not let them be a burden
Or overtake everything you thought you'd become
Your words will one day be heard
And you will meet a little girl just like us
You're going to be annoyed with her
And she will irritate you more than I irritate me
Because she reminds you of you
But you will realize
That you shouldn't be frustrated
Because she's a little girl
Who can't help but
Say everything on her mind
My Unofficial Truths
PoetryI write poetry. So you're good? I didn't say that. I write poetry. So you can rhyme? I don't always. I write poetry. So you tell stories? Every time.