The Memory Of A Person, Against Time

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I know it's only four days

Four days that seem so microscopic

Compared to the grandeur and complexity of time

Time in the hands of one person

Is so different compared to another

Isn't it funny how only 24 hours go by painstakingly slow

When you're with someone who you never wish to be without

And yet when you're with them

They could either go by quicker than a candle blown out

Or they seem to never pass because of how in the moment it all is

Time is a funny thing

How it breaks

And heals

And burns

And fixes

Time is a wonderful thing

It gives us a chance to think about how precious every moment is

Every moment I want to spend with you

Is time that will soon come and surround us

Hold us in it's passing gaze

And trap the memory of the moment in well loved journals

Memories that will never be forgotten

Sometimes I wonder if I will only ever be a memory

To those I really do love

That's the hard part about time

Time without someone you love

Creates a memory out of you

That you hope they will treasure while you're gone

And remember while you're back

But I hope I won't just be a memory

I want to live and breathe in the very thought of your mind

I'm not gone

I'm here

Looking up at the same sky

I'm not gone

I'm here

Watching the same moon

I'm not gone forever

I'm here

Waiting to come back and relieve the well loved memory of me

To know for myself you're not only a memory

You're here

I'll come back

And we will be in the presence of time forever

You and me side by side

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