Even My Brother Likes You

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My mom likes you

She likes that you are kind

And respectful

And that you garden

But my brother likes you

My sister likes you

She likes that you're fun

That you're kind to her

And that you like Olive

But my brother likes you

My dad likes you

He likes that you want to serve your mission

That you're respectful

And that you made brisket in inspiration of him

But my brother likes you

My dog likes you

She likes that you're gentle

That you give her attention

And that you're not always at our house

But my brother likes you

My Saudi siblings like you

They like that you're kind to me

That you're caring

And that you are my first for most things

But my brother likes you

My brother likes you

He likes that you're nice to me

That you're nice to him

And that you have the best jawline he's ever seen

But my brother likes you

My brother likes you

He doesn't want to ever get to know people close to me

He doesn't care to tease me about anyone as much as he does about you

He doesn't like just anyone

Yet even my brother likes you

I like you

I like that you're kind and respectable

That you're caring and gentle

And that everyone close to me likes you

But I love you

You for you

Who you were 

Will be 

And are 

I don't need permission to love you

I do that unconditionally

But even my brother likes you

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