Chapter 5

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"Good heavens, what have we gotten ourselves into?" I muttered, shielding my eyes from the blinding marble edifice that rose before us like an oversized birthday cake.

The blazing Sunday sun glared down upon Leo and me as we pulled up to Maya's palatial estate in Bessie.

Leo couldn't contain his glee. "Wowee...look at that swimming pool, Mama! It's as big as a lake!" He pressed his nose to the passenger window, fogging up the glass with his excited breaths.

I gave myself a quick once-over in the rearview, fussing with the straps of my kelly green one-piece - a daring number I'd borrowed from Jane's sleepaway camp trunk a year ago. It was still there with me, guiltily. With any luck, it would distract from the stress scowl permanently etched between my eyebrows.

Taking a deep, calming breath, I honked the horn twice to announce our arrival. Within seconds, a blur of white whipped around the side of the mansion. "Clara glad you could make it!" cried Maya, air-kissing my cheeks with all the affection of a used car salesman.

Her itsy-bitsy bikini left little to the overactive imagination. I tried not to stare at the tanning lines that revealed more of her assets than God ever intended. Meanwhile, Leo gawked openly.  "You look like a ketchup and mustard sandwich, Maya!"

Oh god, should I shield his eyes?

She bellowed with obvious fake laughter. "Oh, Leo, you're too much! Now come... I've got people for you to meet."

The people had already claimed their poolside tables, segregated by gender as always. Maya presented me to the ladies like a prize sow at the State Fair.

Maya released Leo from her crushing embrace and turned back to me. "Ladies...this is Clara, our new neighbor. She just moved here from Atlanta with her adorable son."

I smiled politely at the group, taking mental notes. Emily, friendly. Olivia, snobby. Diane, spacey. Sarah, let's see. Seemed everyone had neatly defined roles in Maya's cabal of cronies.

Sarah grabbed my hand with both of hers in a very enthusiastic handshake. "Welcome to Harmony Springs... Clara! I'm so excited to have another mom to chat with at the school functions."

Emily gave me a quick hug. "It's nice to meet you! I love your dress - that color really pops against your skin."

Olivia took a delicate sip of her water and appraised me with her icy blue eyes. "Welcome. I trust you'll find our little community...quaint. Compared to what you're used to, of course."

Diane smiled vacantly. "Huh? Oh, hello! I'm sorry, what was your name again?"

I gave a little half-wave. "Nice to meet you all. Thank you for having us over today."

"Not at all, you must come to one of our dinner parties soon. Drew and I would love to get to know you better," Maya cooed.

I glanced around the expansive property, taking in the flawless landscaping, crystal clear pool, and impeccably dressed party guests. In comparison, our little ranch house seemed rather shabby. "This is quite an amazing place you have here, Maya."

Olivia sniffed. "Well, when one's husband works in private equity... the lifestyle expectations are...elevated."

Emily shot her a look. "Olivia, don't be rude. I think it's lovely."

I steered the conversation elsewhere. "Is Drew not able to make it today?"

"Oh no, you know how men are with their hobbies. He's off fly-fishing with the boys," Maya replied airily.

I suddenly remembered Maya telling me about her daughter the day earlier, speaking of which - "I don't see your daughter around. What was her name again...Samantha?"

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