Chapter 18

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I was just tossing the paper towel in the trash to join Penny and Walter- when the door banged open, making me jump. In stomped Maya, blonde curls bouncing furiously behind her. I stiffened, preparing for the coming onslaught as she noticed me and her eyes narrowed to venomous slits.

"Well if it isn't Cinderella herself," she hissed, advancing on me dangerously like a jungle cat circling its prey. I lifted my chin defiantly, refusing to cower before her 5-inch stilettos and artificially inflated curves. "I saw you out there soaking up all the attention like a little sponge. Don't think I don't know what you and Ethan have been scheming behind my back."

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. As if I wanted anything more to do with Ethan and his fickle heart after today. But I held my tongue, unwilling to give Maya the satisfaction of a rise. She scowled at my stoic silence.

"You think you can sweet talk Daddy Warbucks out there and worm your way into the family fortune too?" she spat, nodding angrily at the closed door beyond which Skylar Cole mingled, utterly unaware of the catfight brewing in his bathroom.

I bit back a smirk at the reference to Annie - clearly musical theater was the extent of Maya's literary knowledge.

But then she smacked the sink, jolting me from my musings. "Well... I'm onto you, girlie. You might have Ethan wrapped around your little finger for now with those doe eyes, but this is my territory. And I'll be damned if some trashy wannabe homewrecker is gonna ruin what I have with him and my happy little second life."

So shameless Maya!

She leaned in so our noses almost touched, breath stale from multiple dirty martinis. I tried not to inhale. "I'm giving you fair warning, Clara. One more sneak attack on my man, and the whole town will know what a two-bit floozy you are. I'll make sure of it."

She shoved me aside to admire her cruel smirk in the smudged mirror, evidently pleased with her performance. I took a steadying breath through my nose. This was getting tiresome, like a TV show that just kept bringing back the same boring villain season after season.

She then spun around with a garbled screech like an angry goose.


As I pushed through the doors, the bass thumping regained its hold on my ribcage. Scanning the mass of wine-sozzled revelers, I spied Skylar's silver coif by the entrance and wove my way over.

"Everything all right?" he asked, taking in my no doubt puffy complexion with concern.

"Right as rain," I replied with a shrug. "Just had to shake off an unwanted admirer."

Skylar chuckled knowingly. "Ah, sounds like Maya's been at it again. That one's trouble with a capital T, if you ask me. Always has been, even as a tot."

I pictured a tiny blonde-headed monster in pigtails, wreaking havoc on the playground with her stiletto-speak, and couldn't help but laugh. Skylar joined in, a rich sound like barrels rolling. It felt good to share a moment of levity after the evening's turmoil.

His joviality faded as he fixed me with a somber look. "Listen, I feel I owe you an apology of sorts. My son seems to have muddled things up between you, and that wasn't right of him. But I have something here that may help set things straight... if you'll let me."

He withdrew a bundle of papers bound with twine from within his jacket, holding them out with a raised brow, as if to say 'your choice'. Curiosity getting the better of me, I nodded for him to continue.

Skylar placed the parcel in my hands gingerly. "Those are letters Ethan's been writing me... since you and Leo moved in. I, uh...suggest you read them." A pink flush crept up his neck, clashing endearingly with his silver temples.

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