Chapter 21

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It was a few days before Christmas and the frenzied spirit of the season was in full swing. All around town, people were scurrying about like squirrels hoarding nuts, desperately trying to cross the final items off their lengthy to-do lists.

Penny and Walter had already relocated to Ojai a few days after their garden party. Thankfully, they were able to sell their beautiful cottage at a reasonable price. Like clockwork, every week I could expect a video call from the cheerful couple, eager to check in and share updates from their new home.

Things had been really tense in the 'Harmony Honeys' group chat since the drama at Penny's. None of us knew what to say. We were all just scrolling through the pictures Olivia, Sarah, and Diane had posted from the night, trying to pretend everything was normal.

Emily and Diane mostly just complained about each other behind each other's backs, like they usually did. At least that part of the group hadn't changed. But Maya, who was usually so chatty and outspoken, hadn't said a word since that night. She hadn't even looked at any of the messages or posts. It was so unlike her.

True to his word, Ethan devoted every day to proving his devotion to me and Leo. He helped us decorate the cottage with twinkling lights and handmade ornaments. We baked cookies and sang carols together around Alexa playing holiday songs.

One afternoon, Ethan showed up unexpected with an armful of evergreen boughs. "What do you say we chop down our very own Christmas tree?" he asked with a boyish grin.

Leo squealed in delight as always and snatched up his miniature saw. For once, the usual "I want to ride on your shoulders!" requests were replaced by intensive supervision of the tree selection process. We bundled up and trooped out into the frosted woods, the three of us calling out each time we spotted a suitable candidate. Finally, Leo pointed emphatically. "Dat one! Dat one!"

We must have considered at least three dozen potential candidates before he deemed one satisfactory - an eight-foot noble fir with lustrous branches fanning out in all directions.

The noble fir stood nearly eight feet tall, its boughs lush and full. It was slow going - neither of us were professionals by any means. At one point Ethan nearly sawed through his glove and had to take an extended cookie break to recover. Eventually, the tree toppled with a mighty crash and we dragged it triumphantly back to the cottage, my back aching in protest the whole way.

That evening we decorated it with popcorn strings and handprint-art, making a memory that would last forever. Leo declared it a "beaootiful tree" and I had to agree, it was pretty magnificent for something cut down largely through blind guessing in the forest.

In the kitchen, Ethan baked with laser focus, measuring each ingredient down to the microgram. I caught him licking the beater more than once just to ensure the cookie dough was correct. Leo watched in horror, no doubt fantasizing about throwing a handful of flour in Ethan's meticulous face.

Soon the big day arrived. Ethan swung by early with a trunk full of gifts for Leo while I finished the gingerbread and ham. We spent the morning opening presents by the crackling fire, Leo clambering eagerly into Ethan's lap each time the telltale crinkle of paper sounded.

This was the family and Christmas I'd always dreamed of—simply perfect.

After our big feast and an afternoon nap watched over by Ethan who was strumming his guitar, I left the boys to clean up so we could get ready. I emerged in a midnight blue gown with snowflake earrings while Ethan waited for me –looking dashing in a charcoal suit, Leo curled contentedly in his arms.

"You take my breath away," Ethan whispered, eyes dancing. I beamed back, taking his arm. "As do you, kind sir. Shall we?"

We piled into Ethan's truck for the short drive into town. Leo sat up front, chattering to Ethan, excited about seeing Santa Claus, the village sleigh rides, and the brightly colored decorations. The two of them were practically inseparable as they continued to discuss the details of each upcoming event as Ethan maneuvered the truck carefully around the bumpy roads. The weather forecast called for temperatures to dip to well below freezing overnight.

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